Rei X K-Pop fan Reader!

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Here's a little K-Pop video for you! It's the dance that you are learning in this one-shot! Bangtan Boys are extremely impressive with their dances and their songs, I recommend them to anyone who is discovering K-pop. Look them up sometime if you want...  Anyway, enjoy my lovelies~

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"Why is this so difficult!" You cried out in frustration. You sat down, exhausted, and rested against the giant mirror in your practice room. 

"This is why swimming is my passion~" your boyfriend, Rei, taunts in the corner of the practice room. He looked up from his book for just a moment to mock you and went right back to reading straight after. 

"At least I continuously have fun. I also get to meet people from all around the world~ It also gives me another reason to visit my grandparents in Korea!" You smiled at him, but he was too engaged in his book to see your pretty smile. 

"I could meet people from wherever, that is if I would want to. I am fine staying here in Japan." he stated. "What's so enjoyable about this - what do you call it? K-Pop? It's just a bunch of Korean boys singing their songs and doing their little dances. I don't get what's so appealing about it." He added.

"Well, for starters, their music is very enjoyable, but I guess you have to really be open to different kinds of music like I am. Also, dancing along with them is very fun and can substitute exercising, so it's a win - win. Don't even get me started on those hot men, Rei! I love you and all, but I can't help it. They are just so sexy!" You rambled. You look over at Rei, your face flushing red after realizing what you just said. He slowly lowered his book down and was giving you the strangest look. "You're so cute when you get embarrassed~" he silently laughed, and he returned to his book. 

After you got over your embarrassment, you got up and looked back at the dance you were trying to learn. "How do they freaking do this?!" you whispered to yourself. 

You pressed the play button, and Fire by BTS started playing throughout the practice room. 

After continuously replaying the video, you watched your bias, Rap Monster, to learn his part. You noticed how he has greatly improved on his dancing skills. Finally, you had memorized how to do the dance. 

Just as you finished practicing it, you heard clapping from Rei. 

"I will admit, that was very impressive. I kind of see why you enjoy doing it, you also look very happy when you practice too." he gave you a loving smile. All you could do was smile back, as you were trying to catch your breath after that intense choreography. 

"Do you know any other dances?" He questioned, now curious about your hobby. 

"Oh, yeah. I know about, ten. I just started learning these so I don't know many." you said between breaths. 

"Well that still seems like quite a lot." he praised. He walked over to you and handed you your water bottle, seeing as you didn't want to move for another five years. You thanked him and turned to your laptop which was sitting next to you and had the dance on the screen. You clicked on your playlist for all of the choreographies that you know and clicked on a random one. 

You heard your favorite girl group start singing, and you jumped up to show him. Ice Cream Cake by Red Velvet was the first choreography you learned, and you OWNED it! 

You did every move perfectly, and by the time you were finished, Rei was completely stunned. He sat in front of you with his jaw dropped.

"Rei, you should close your mouth before a fly gets in there~" you giggled. He snapped out of his trance after your statement, and you could see a red tint on his cheeks. "You're so cute when you get embarrassed~" you taunted, repeating what he had said to you before. You bent down and gave him a kiss to apologize for calling him cute, as you know that is something he is not very fond of. 

"Do you know how to say 'I love you' in Korean?" you asked him. He shook his head. "Why would I?" he asked you. You shrugged. "Because I say it to you all the time~" you told him as you began to sit down next to him. "It's 'saranghae'." You told him, and poked his arm with each syllable. 

"Oooh! So that's what that means." he said. "I always thought you were cursing at me in Korean. I didn't know it meant the exact opposite!" He face palmed. Why would he think you would do such a thing? You couldn't help but laugh at the way he thinks. 

"I think you have been hanging out with Nagisa too much, Rei." you told him. "I think so too!" he agreed, which caused him to laugh. 

You two agreed to call it a night and left the practice studio. 'Today was so fun~'  You thought. Rei wasn't the type to laugh much, except if it was at his own jokes, and remembering how much he laughed with you today brought a smile on your face. 

Rei was driving you home when you turned to him and said one last time "Saranghae Rei~" He grabbed your hand and responded with "I love you too, (Y/N)~"

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I was thinking about making Rei say 'I love you' in Japanese but then I remembered I  don't know how to do that. Oh well. 

Until next time, my lovelies~ 

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