Nitori X Reader????

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So, here is Nitori X Reader after forever. Yeah. School is back on the 1st for me, so I'm gonna try to write as many as I can before school starts! Here we gooooo~


Being the younger sister of the Mikoshiba boys, you were pretty wild. But you could never be as insane as your two older brothers. You also weren't as crazy for love as those two were. 

You were definitely a tomboy, you would often go searching for stag beetles with Momotarou so bugs didn't bother you at all. 

You were visiting your brother at his school when you heard a long, loud screech which was coming from your brother's room that he shared with that one boy, the weird shy one whose name slipped your mind at the moment. 

Then they came. Like a cat chasing a mouse, your brother was tormenting the silver haired boy by chasing him around with a pretty big stag beetle, you've seen bigger. 

"Why are you like this? I'm YOUR SENPAI" he yelled at your mischievous brother. 

"Heehee. I know, you're just really easy to scare." he giggled while scratching the back of his neck.

"Momo, can't you leave him alone? Seriously, every time I come over someone is screaming and it's always this guy." you point at Nitori. "Who even are you?" 

Although you have seen them hundreds of times and probably have heard his name many times before, it always managed to slip your mind.

Your question sent your crazy brother into a fit of laughter. 

"She doesn't even remember your name!!! And you have a crush on her!!! So much for your chance, senpai!" Momo said, which made the silver haired boy go completely red as he tried to deny the other's statement.

"H-he doesn't know what he's saying!! You should know, w-words just fall out of his mouth that he never keEPS SHUT" he turned to your brother while yelling at him. 

"Whatever. Hey, where did your beetle run off to?" you asked Momotarou and his face went white.

"I HAVE TO FIND MY BABY!!" he yelled at he ran around the school, searching for his beloved bug.

You were left with the guy, you still could not remember his name.

"So what is it?? It's like something with an N right? Needle, Noodle...." You started to list out all of the words that started with the letter N. 

He became flustered and tried to stop you so he could tell you his real name.

"NITORI! It's Nitori..." he said, surprised at his own yelling. 

"OOOOOOOH YEAAAHH. Now I remember... Nitori, I think I can remember that. So, you like me right?" When you asked him, he immediately replied.

"N-N-NO!! THAT'S NOT IT!! NOT AT ALL!!" He yelled in defense. "So, you hate me? Is that-?" you asked him, acting like you were really sad but you did not get to finish your question as he interrupted immediately. "OF COURSE NOT! I LOVE YOU. WAIT-" your plan worked when he confessed to you. You hugged him cutting you off. 

"Haha. That's cute. Nice to meet you again, uh, NITORI, yeah, Nitori. See you around!" you waved as you walked away from him. 

He just stared at you with his mouth open at your wild actions, but after all you were a Mikoshiba.


Sorry if that was bad. I don't really know how to write for Nitori because he's an awkward little fart. 

Next is Makoto X Reader!! 

Until next time, my lovelies ~!

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