Rin × Reader

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A/N: ok so I checked to see how many reads I got, and I dont know if this is right, but it says 100 reads. 100 reads. I am so surprised and happy that you guys are reading and maybe enjoying this. So one more thing: you might be thinking 'Hey, didnt you say weekend updates?' Yeah, I'm still doing updates on every Saturday or Sunday, I just had time today to make a cute little one for you guys and I'm pretty happy about this one. So ENJOY


You were walking to your best friend's house after the Iwatobi swim meet was over, and all you could do was debate in your head was is dating my best friend's brother bad? Or not.

"(Y/n)-chan!! (Y/N)-CHAN" Gou was practically making you deaf from her trying to get your attention. "Sorry, what?"

"Ugh,  I asked if you wanted to sleep over at my house tonight." Will Rin be there?

"Yeah, he doesn't have any classes tomorrow so he's coming home." Did I really just say that out loud?! "I think the Iwatobi boys are sleeping over too, but they will all be in Rin's room. We get the living room..." Gou rambled on, but you didn't pay attention; instead, like always, you thought about how you wanted to be with Rin.

"Why don't you ever listen to me? Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours."

"You don't wanna know..."

~~~Time skip to night~~~

"(Nickname)-chan!!!" You are continuously beating the boys in video games and they were all calling you out for using hacks and cheating.

"Maybe if you guys were actually decent, then maybe you would have a chance to beat me. But I guess you guys suck." They are all sending glares at you when you heard Nagisa whisper "but you swallow".

You grabbed the nearest object and hit him straight on his forehead (it was a pillow so he didn't get brain damage) sending him backwards.

"PILLOW FIGHT!!!" Nagisa yelled. Everyone had a pillow... except for you... So your first thought was Rin of course. "RIN SAVE MEEEE" you ran and hid behind him.

You then both ducked behind the couch. "Let's go hide in my room. " Rin whispered to you. Your cheeks flushed red, realizing that he was so close to you, also that you were going to his room with him, alone.

You snuck to Rin's room without anyone realizing it. From what you could tell, Haru and Makoto were teamed up and Nagisa, Rei, and Gou were attacking them.

After Rin closed the door you spoke up. "Now what." He shrugged and simply replied with "We wait it out?" You almost laughed at his words. "You know we're not really in a war right? Also you didn't have to protect me. It's just pillows..."

"It kind of its like a war. Just, if doesn't hurt, and it's pillows..." he mumbled something at the end of his sentence that you couldn't make out. Haha. How you wished you could make out with Rin. A/N Amirite ladies :P

"What did you say?" You were very curious for some reason. "I said that it also is like a war because I would protect you... Because um..." *pause for dramatic effect* "because I like you... More than a friend but if you think that's weird because you're my little sister's friend that's okay."

"I think that is fine, and, um, I really like you too... so does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" You are really relieved after hearing that he liked you. All you were hoping was that this wasn't a dream.

"If you'll be my girlfriend then I'll be your boyfriend. So will you?" The answer was extremely obvious to you. "Of course I will be your girlfriend, as long as you're my boyfriend." You both giggled at that statement by you.

The door bushed open with erupts of clapping from Nagisa. "Yaaay! Rin-chan and (nickname)-chan are together!"

Gou, looked a little mad though. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" You were honestly scared to death at the moment. "I-I didn't w-want to ruin our f-friendship." You stuttered out nervously, hoping you didn't say anything wrong.

"Onii-chan, don't break her heart, and (y/n)-chan don't break his heart!" You sighed with relief knowing that she didn't hate you and that you didn't ruin a brother and sister relationship. At the same time you and Rin both said

"I promise I won't!!!"


HOW WAS THAT LADIES (or guys if you swing that way, lets all just be friends!!! :D) I hope you liked that because I really liked writing it. If you want any more, just comment who you want next!! Requests are open because I have none. Seems me some, I don't care if I already wrote one for whoever, I just want to write and have you guys be happy!!!! Otherwise, be good in school, study, don't do drugs, and be AMAZING!!! I'M OUT LUV YA <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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