Kisumi X Reader Pt.2

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Hello, my lovelies! I'm back with part two of the Kisumi One Shot! 

If any of my ARMY fans have time after this, you should check out a story here on Wattpad called International. It's written by Namjooonbug and it's a Rap Monster fanfiction! The author is an amazing writer and has written fanfiction in the past, so look forward to it!

Anyways, enjoy the update my lovelies~

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"Hey, (Y/N)-chan, are you ready yet? I'll be waiting in the kitchen." you hear Haru, questioning you from the other side of the door. 

"Yeah~ I'll meet you there!" You called out, just as you finished putting your hair up. Today, you and Haru were going to go to the Samezuka festival together. You smoothed out your dress and walked into the kitchen to Haru who was patiently waiting for you. 

"Are you finally ready?" he asked you, handing you a water bottle to use for the day. 

"Yep! Let's head out now!" you said, hooking your arm with his. You both got in the car and headed over to the high school festival. 

  ~'~'~'~'~ ~'~'~'~'~~'~'~'~'~~'~'~'~'~~'~'~'~'~ 

As soon as you got to the gates of the school, you could tell this day was going to be fun. 

All of the school clubs had many different activities and prizes, and there were so  many people at the festival, the chances of running into someone you know were pretty high. 

"What looks fun, (Y/N)-chan?" he asked while grabbing your hand. 

"I think I see Rin! He's at the one over there!" you said, pointing to the very decorated booth with your other hand. Together, you walked through the sea of people to get to your shark toothed friend. 

You were too busy to notice the boy with peachy hair, eyeing you and Haru walk together, hand in hand. 

"Hey Kisumi, we're gonna go to the other side of the school and hit up the booths there, do you wanna go?" one of his friends asked.

"Nah, I just saw something that caught my eye, maybe I'll catch up with you guys later. See ya~" he said, waving to his friends as he walked away to try and catch up with you. 

Since you were with Haru, Kisumi knew that you were most likely going to meet up with Rin. 

It took him a while, but he finally found you, still latched on to the dumb swimmer boy. 

"(Y/N)-chan?" he called out to you. 

You gripped Haru's hand tighter at the sound of his voice, knowing exactly who it was. Not wanting to be rude, you turned around and faced him. Haru sent a glare his way once Kisumi smiled at you. 

"Hi, Kisumi." you said. Part of you wanted to be with him again. After all, you were both older and more mature than you were when you first were a couple. But then again, he broke off all contact with you, not even waving at each other in the hallways at school, and acted like nothing happened between you two. 

"What do you want?" Haru asked him. Kisumi wanted to back off after hearing the anger in Haru's voice but he just had  to ask you something. He wanted you two to get back together, but with Haru there, it seemed almost impossible. 

"Is it okay if I talk to (Y/N)-chan?" he asks. 

Haru shut him down as soon as he stopped speaking. "Aren't you talking to her now?" he stated, staring the poor boy down. 

"I just need to talk to her, alone, quickly. It won't take long, I promise- and I'll return her to you as soon as we are done, unless she'd rather stick with me~" he explained, smirking at the end. 

Haru glared once more before turning to you and saying, "You don't have to go if you don't want to, I can tell him to step off." he said sincerely. You shook your head and told him it was fine and walked with Kisumi to one of the school's many entrances.

"(Y/N)-chan... I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I should have never ignored you for the past three years. I wanted to tell you that I still love you, but since you are with Haru now, this whole confession seems to be a waste." he said. 

You giggled a bit as soon as he mentioned that you are 'with Haru now'. You couldn't imagine dating someone like Haru, he's so obsessed with fish, it's kinda weird. 

"Hey, you don't have to laugh at me! At least have some compassion." he muttered. 

"Haru and I aren't together! He just gets protective over me at times.." you said. His face lit up, maybe this could be his chance to get you back!

"So, would it maybe be okay if I take you on a date and make up for all the time we lost?" he asked. 

After thinking, you decided that you could give him a second chance. 

"I guess you could." you finally answered. 

He threw his fist up into the air and shouted "Yes! Let's go on that date now~" he said, smiling brightly at you. 

You two walked back to the festival area, hand in hand.

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Sorry about not uploading, everyone! I was very busy the past few weeks with school, and this might be the last update for a while now. I'm going to be very busy this year, but I will try to find time to update for you all!

Until next time, my Lovelies~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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