Nagisa X Reader

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All those K-pop jokes in the comments from last week's one-shot really made my day ^_^ thanks for those! I'm so glad to see that I have lots of K-pop fans reading these~

Anyway, enjoy this week's one-shot~~~

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As soon as you put your bag onto your chair by the pool, your best friend Nagisa had already jumped in.

"Hurry up and get in, (Y/N)-chaaaaan~!" He yelled from inside the water. He motioned you to get over, but you were still arranging all of your stuff next to your chair. 

"Come on already, you're taking too long!" he complained. You heard water splashing the side of the pool, like someone was coming out. Before you knew it, you were being carried over to the pool. 

"I was just about to get in myse-" You were saying, but were cut off as soon as your body hit the water. Nagisa stood by the side of the pool, laughing his butt off. When you resurfaced, you glared at him. 

"I could have gotten in by myself." you told him. You pulled yourself out of the pool, went over to you chair, and pouted at him. 

"Yeah, I know, but it took you foreeeever  (Y/N)-chan. Why did you bring so much stuff anyway?" he asked you.

"Well, I know that you will want to swim for hours, which is something that I'm not going to do, so I brought some books to read and some snacks..." you trailed off. While you were answering Nagisa's question, you saw a godlike masterpiece walk into the pool area. 

You couldn't help but stare at his beautiful facial features and his perfectly sculpted body.  
A/N *coughs* like the kpop idols *coughs* ¯\_ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) _/¯

"(Y/N)-chan?? Hey! (Y/N)-chan!" Nagisa called, trying to get your attention. You snapped out of your trance and faced Nagisa. "Yeah? What's up?" you looked at him, embarrassed that he caught you drooling over some guy you haven't even spoken to yet.
 A/N still like the kpop idols... *cries in a corner*

"Are you coming back in?" He looked up at you, hoping to get you distracted and to keep you away from the new guy. 

"Why not." You replied, hoping the guy you were dying over would get into the pool by you two. You jumped in next to Nagisa, and you both swam a few laps around the pool. 

Just as you were started your sixth lap, the new guy asked, "Mind if I join?"

"Not at all~" you replied, and smiled at him. Nagisa on the other hand, was sending him death glares. 

After another few laps, you got out and sat down in your chair. You put your sunglasses on and started reading your book.

"(Y/N)-chan, I want to leave." you heard Nagisa say. You looked up at him, surprised. "Really?" you questioned him. 

"Yeah, I'm not really in the mood to swim right now. Can we please leave, (Y/N)-chan?" he asked, looking up at you from inside the pool. 

"Sure, but don't ask me to take you back here later." you said, giving in to his request. He got out, and with one last glance at the beautiful new swimmer, you joined him at the exit.

Once you both were about two blocks away from the pool, you broke the silence. 

"Is it because of that new guy?" you asked him. He looked at you, obviously trying to look confused. "What do you mean?" he asked back. "Is he the reason you wanted to leave?" you asked him finally.

He looked at you, guilty. "Sorry. I just didn't like the way you were looking at each other..." he told you sheepishly. You noticed a slight blush on his cheeks. You giggled at him.

"Are you jealous~?" you asked him teasingly. He snapped his head to face you, "No way! Why would I be jealous of him? I am way  better at swimming than he  is. I did like, ten more laps than him, too." he bragged. 

"Are you sure  you weren't jealous of him, Nagisa? It seemed like you were, back at the pool. It looked like you wanted to kill him~" you giggled at him. He tried to hide his embarrassed face with his hair, he didn't think you saw the look he gave the new guy! 

"See? You are TOTALLY jealous!!" you exclaimed. "I am NOT!" he said, trying to defend himself. All you could do was smile at the thought of cute little Nagisa being jealous. "I'm not jealous of his swimming, okay? He's not even good at it." he pouted. 

"So why were you jealous? You can tell me, Nagisa! I won't tell Rei. Don't worry~!" you assured him. 

He stopped walking and grabbed your hand, stopping you as well. You looked at him, but he was looking at the ground. "I was jealous that you were hanging out with him more than you were hanging out with me. Okay? I like you, more than a friend, and I was jealous that you were hanging around with some new guy instead of me." he finally admitted. You couldn't stop smiling at his confession. You have been dreaming of him saying this to you, and it finally happened.

When he looked up and saw your smiling face, he felt embarrassed. "What, you think it's funny how I have a crush on my best friend?" he said. "No, not at all! You just don't know how long I have been waiting for you to say that to me~" you said, your cheeks flushing red. 

"Well, you don't know how long I've been waiting to do this..." he said, and kissed you right on your lips.

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Okie, anyway, I need more requests because I kind of just saw this idea somewhere and did eenie meenie miney moe to pick who the one-shot would be for. So yeah. Send Author-Chan requests in my message box please~~~

Until next week, my lovelies~

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