Chapter 12 : The Truth

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It was art period. Sakura was alone sitting in her desk. The class had a free period because the teacher was absent. Her friends were crowding at Atsuko's place. She watched them talk happily together. Sakura laid her head on the table. She got bored and decided to dig for something in her bag. Sakura took out an unfamiliar book. She looked for the name and read it. It was Deidara's. Sakura narrowed her eyes and wondered why would his book would be in her bag. She stood up and walked towards him. Sakura poked him from behind.

"What do you wa-?" When Deidara turned around, his eyes were wide.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Here. Your book was in my bag. I didn't know how it got there." Sakura gave him the book.

Deidara took it slowly and said thank you. Before she could turn around, Deidara grabbed her wrist.

"Hm?" Sakura was confused for a moment.

"Can we talk privately? On the roof." Deidara said quietly only for her to hear.


Deidara motioned her to follow him. They walked upstairs quietly without a word. Deidara took a glimpse at Sakura and saw nothing in her eyes. They were blank. She looked really pale and that worried him a little. When they arrived, Deidara opened the door.

"So what do you want to talk about?" She asked with a blank expression.

"What happened to you? And you still didn't answer my confession for almost a month."

"Confession? I almost forgot about that." She said, expressionless.

"Oi, oi, what happened to you?! Was my confession meant nothing to you?!" He shaked her by her shoulders.

"Yes! Your confession meant nothing to me! And If you wanna know my answer so badly, then my answer will be no!" Sakura turned around, but before she could leave, he grabbed her hand.

"What happened to you? Was it because of that Uchiha?" His bangs shadowed his eyes.

"This has nothing to do with him!" Sakura pulled her hand away.

"Then why... Tell me why."

"Because... Because..." Tears starting to pour from her eyes, "Why do you even want a girl like me?" She muttered.

"No..." Sakura turned around and ran downstairs.

"Wait! Sakura!" Deidara chased her , but when he turned to a corner, she disappeared.


Atsuko skipped alone happily without anyone around her, but when she turned to a corner, she saw Sakura sobbing under the stairs.

"Oh, looky here. Sakura-chan is crying. I wonder what happened. Oh, maybe it's because I took all her precious people away from her." Atsuko said in a sing song voice.

"Go away, woman." Sakura warned.

"Why? it's fun to see you like this. It makes me feel good." The brown haired girl smirked.

"Ne, ne, how does it feel like when your friends just abandon you like that? They must be horrible friends. Maybe they didn't trust you enough to make you a real friend? I think they already decided to make me their real friend." She laughed evilly. "Oh my, oh my, I sound like a villain. Well, good luck Sakura-chan~!" Atsuko skipped away proudly with a smirk on her face towards the teachers staff room.


To Naruto, Shikamaru and Ino.

"Hey, I wonder where Atsuko went." Ino asked.

"Asuma-sensei told her to come to the teacher's staff room to get some stuff."


When they were talking about random stuff, they saw Atsuko talking to someone under the stairs. Naruto wanted to call her name, but Shikamaru stopped him. They hid where she couldn't see them. They were eavesdropping on her conversation with someone. They couldn't believe what they're hearing. They were shocked to hear that Atsuko was talking to Sakura about the nonsense she was saying. They were speechless.

Sakura decided to come out when she thought no one's around. They saw the tear tracks on her face. Sakura wiped the salty tears on her cheeks. When she turned to her left, she saw her used-to-be friends, staring at her as if she was ghost. She walked straight pass them and went towards her art class. Ino grabbed her wrist before she could leave.

'Ugh! What's with people grabbing wrists.' She thought, annoyed.

"Huh? Yes? Can I help you guys with something?" Sakura said with her face filled with nothing.

Suddenly the school bell rang. Telling the students that it was time for the next class.

"Oh, sorry. I've to go to my next class." Sakura bowed to them as if she just met strangers. She ran to her art class to get her stuff. They watched her leave with sadness in their eyes.

"Why haven't we noticed her all this time?" Naruto said with his fist and teeth clenched. They felt disappointed in themselves to think that they didn't realised it in the first place.


'It hurts to see them starting to notice me. What happened to them? Why did they stare at me like that?' Sakura  thought.

A/N : you guys please read my other story. It's called

'The Future'

Please read it! It's also an Akasaku story.

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