Chapter 7 : Moving Overseas

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Sakura's eyes went wide. Deidara stood in front of her, waiting for her to answer. Suddenly someone grabbed Deidara on the shoulder. He turned around and saw a man with long spiky hair that was till his waist.

"Madara... Why are you here?" Deidara growled.

"Well, I'm here because Sakura forgot her dress in my car yesterday." He handed Sakura her dress.

"Uh, um.. Arigatou." Sakura blushed.

"Sakura, what did he meant by that?" Deidara furrowed his eyebrows and glared at Madara.

"Um, it's nothing really. I went to the mall yesterday and we coincidently bumped into each other, then he asked me if he could give me a ride home. That's when the dress fell out from its shopping bag." Sakura smiled weakly and rubbed the back of her head.

"You're lying." He stated angrily.

"What? Of course not. Why would I lie to you." She smiled weakly and patted his back.

Deidara grabbed the dress from her grasp and showed it right in front of her.

"This is the dress that you wore when we went to that party two days ago."

Sakura faced the floor and didn't know what to say.

"What are trying to pull?" Deidara said to Madara.

"Nothing. I just came here to return that dress." Said Madara, expressionless.

"Don't go near her again." Deidara warned him.

"Hn.. See you some other time, Sakura." Madara turned around and walked to his car. He drove off.

Deidara turned to face Sakura and lift up her chin, he looked at her in the eyes.

"I'll be waiting for your answer." Deidara turned and walked away.

Sakura still stood at the door frame and a tear slid down her cheek. She closed the door and walk to her bedroom.

'Deidara likes me? No... I don't want this... I don't know what to think anymore... I want to start a new life... I'll ask okaa-san to move overseas, but will she really move overseas just because of me? It'll be better if we live outside this country so they won't bother me anymore.' Sakura was lying on the bed with her right arm on her eyes, thinking to herself.

Sakura walked downstairs towards the living room area and saw her mother on the sofa, watching a movie on the television.

"Okaa-san... We need to talk."

Sakura's mother turned her head towards her daughter, a questioning look on her face.

"What is it that you want to talk about, Sakura?"

Sakura took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Can we move overseas?"

Sakura's mother stared at her for a moment and replied, "why?"

"I was thinking that we could start a new life as a real family. Because it's been a long time since we hung out together. Even though otou-san's not here anymore..." Sakura looked down at the floor with tears building up in her eyes, making her vision blurry when she mentioned her passed away father.

"Why didn't you say so earlier." Her mother smiled softly. Her tears building up in her eyes as well when her daughter mentioned 'Otou-san'.

"But what about your friends?"

"My friends? I'll tell them later" Sakura put on a gentle smile.

"How about we move out after two months? We've to make preparations first."

"That sounds good to me. I'll be upstairs in my bedroom if you need anything. I've school tomorrow." Sakura smiled to her mother and walked towards her destination.

"Okay." The mother smiled back to her.

'Moving overseas huh... Syracuse perhaps? Nee-san's there too... Then Syracuse it is.' The mother thought to herself.

A/N : Give me ideas please!!! Btw please vote and comment!!

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