Chapter 14 : Dinner

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A/N : so... My ex suddenly wants me back... When he said its impossible to even like me now, he told me he was angry that time cuz i broke up with him... Idk what to do. And then there's this other guy... He treats me even better than my ex but i kinda still like my ex... The other guy would anything to get my attention just so he could spend time with me and i really enjoyed it. Even though my ex never did that, but i still like my ex... What should i do? They are mixing up my feelings and im getting too confused.. Someone help me.. 😞😞

And please enjoy this chapter i made 4 u guys... I guess....

"So how did you two met? How old are you? Where do you live? Are you and Madara in a relationship? Did you two did it?" Izuna's mother kept on asking questions one after another.

"U-umm..." Sakura didn't know which one to answer first and flushed a dark red at the last sentence.

Izuna realized the pinkette was struggling to answer his mother's questions since she kept on asking preposterous questions continuously.


"Hm? Yes Izuna-chan?" His mother turned her attention towards her son.

"Ask one question at a time." Izuna pointed towards the struggling pinkette.

His mother turned her head to look at the pinkette. She was looking on the floor with her face blue.

"A-ah, sorry. We can ask questions later at dinner." Izuna's mother smiled.

"Yeah sure. That'd be great." Sakura smiled and was relieved at the same time.

At Dinner.

"So Sakura-chan, how old are you?" Asked a dark blue haired woman with her husband next to her.

"U-umm, I'm turning seventeen this year." Stuttered the shy girl that sat across from the woman.

"Oh, four years difference huh. Well that's great!" Excitement filled her eyes.

"Usually Madara declines all the proposal that he got from other families. All the girls were so disappointed after that. But I never knew he fell in love with one." The woman smiled.

"Hm? Fell in love?" Sakura asked dumbfoundedly.

All the people in the room looked at her as if she was crazy. Even the father.

"S-Sakura-chan, you didn't know?" Asked Izuna.

"Know what?" She asked. Curious on what he going to say.

"Don't tell me you didn't know that Madara-kun was in love with you." Said the mother with disbelieving eyes.

"R-really?" Sakura said in disbelief.

"How come you didn't realise it?!" The mother said disbelievingly.

"Well, I thought he was treating me as a friend that's all." Sakura felt guilty for not realising it because he never really showed any emotions. Not to mention, he's an Uchiha for god sake. All Uchihas are like that.

"Well that's okay. Now that you know, how many children are you gonna have?" Izuna's mother asked and leaned forward.

Izuna's father accidentally spitted out his drink and Izuna almost choked on his food. Both male turned to look at the dark blue haired woman with a 'what the heck face'. The woman looked at her beloved son and husband.

"What?" The woman asked.

Sakura blushed furiously when the female Uchiha asked her such question.

"U-umm, Sakura-san, please ignore my mother's question just now." Izuna blushed a little and smiled weakly.

"Th-that's okay." She blushed.

"I'm really sorry that Madara-kun didn't tell you he already went to America." Ms. Uchiha said sadly.

"No that's okay. I'm sure he has a reason." Sakura smiled.

"Besides, I'm moving to America in half a month."

"Oh! Really?! Which state?!" The female Uchiha shouted with excitement.

"Uh, the same place where Madara lives." Sakura sweatdropped at the woman across from her.

"This is such a coincidence really." Izuna smiled.

"Does he know you're moving there?" Asked Izuna's father.

"Yeah. He's the first person I told."

"Really?! Aw! You guys are so close!" The female Uchiha squealed.

Everyone sweatdropped at the femle Uchiha's actions. She was too excited.

After awhile, the dinner went smoothly without any weird questions that was thrown at her. Sakura answered them without any problems. After Madara's parents said their goodbye to her, Izuna sent her home.

"Well, here we are." Izuna walked out from the car and opened the door for her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled. "I'm really sorry for my mother's ridiculous questions." Izuna rubbed the back of his head with a weak smile plastered on his face.

"Aha, that's okay." She smiled weakly.

"Well, I better get going."

Before Izuna could turn around and leave, he leaned down and kissed Sakura on the cheek. He whispered something in her ear.

"I'm really jealous of my onii-san." He turned around and left with his car, leaving a shocked pink headed girl. She blinked a few times.

"What... Just happened?"

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