To My Readers,

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So i might not update for few months cuz I'm in a state of depression.

I'll try to update when I'm in the right state. Its bcuz i havent talked to my frnd/crush in almost a month bcuz we r so busy. yea ik its stupid. But its not just tht btw.

I already confessed to him long time ago. He also likes me. We r kinda like frnds tht just like/love each other. Trust me we r not in a relationship like bf/gf. Cuz me and him are not allowed to have a bf/gf. We r only allowed to be together with the person tht we r married to. Btw sex outside marriage is totally not allowed in my religion. We're only allowed to do it with husband/wife LOL. So basically everything follows my religion. Im pretty religious btw....

Dont think tht its ridiculous. Its just a religion thing. I think some of you might know what my religion is just by me saying those stuff. So yup. Have fun guessing it haha.

Im just saying. No offense.

Btw respect everyone's religion cuz i do ^_^. Dont hate someone just becuz of their religion or race cuz thts just stupid. We r all the same being. Humans. Thrs no reason to hate. All those stuff in the news and social media are all bunch of rubbish. Even tho Donald Trump is.. you know.. I still don't hate him. I don't blame him for being racist and all. He's just being.... hmm... Immature? If i offended Trump supporters then i deeply apologise. ^__^''

I think I went out of topic haha. In this chap or whatever is just bout me not being able to update cuz I'm in a state of depression thts all n ill try hard to update. My pain just keeps on building up inside of me. Sometimes i cant stop crying. No one knows bout this except for the people tht r reading this.

Thts all. This is the only way i can express everything.. well not everything cuz ik some of ya'll wont be reading A/N. Like me haha. Sometimes i dont read wat the author is saying cuz smtmes I'm just lazy haha.

So just wish me good luck n pray for me so my life will get better. My life is in pieces now....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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