Chapter 17 : See You Again

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"Wh-why? Why are they all looking at me like that? Why are they avoiding me starting from a few days ago?! Why?!" Exclaimed the brown short haired girl.

"And why're they ignoring me? Whenever I want to get their attention, they'll start to glare at me like they hate me so much! Did they found out already? But that's impossible!" Atsuko was talking to herself in the class when there was no one around. She was stressed.

Suddenly a group of Sakura's former friends came walking in with joyful laughters. They were talking happily further away from the brunette. Atsuko stood up and walked towards them.

"Hey you guys. What are you guys talking about?" Atsuko put on her cutest smile she can do.

"Get away from us." Said Sasuke with an intense glare.


"Are you deaf? He said get away from us." Said Naruto, also with a glare.

"Wh-why?" Atsuko was started to sweat.

"Huh! You think we don't know?" Said Sasori with a disbelieving face.

"You're a cheeky little brat you know that?" Said Kisame with a frown.

"Wow, you and Sakura-chan? I can't believe we didn't notice after all this time." Said Ino with a digusted face.

"And did you know what happened to Deidara when he found out she left because of you? He nearly killed himself." Kiba said with a growl.

'Th-they found out?!' Atsuko's eyes widen with shock and fear.

"We've been trying not to cause a fight between you and us but you kept on calling us every time you see us. It's getting really annoying really. And do you even know how pissed I am when she left without a single word?" Ino punched her palm with a pissed off face.

"B-but how?! How did you you guys found out?!" Atsuko exclaimed disbelievingly.

"Um, excuse me? Are you fucking kidding me? You think we don't have fucking ears?! I can't even fucking believe that I fucking dated you! Do you even fucking know how much I wanted to punch that bitch face of yours?! I prefer Sakura better than a bitch like you, the one that's craving for too much attention." Hidan said, annoyed. Atsuko sweated even more.

"If you're that jealous of Sakura then why can't you make your own friends?! Seriously you are pissing me off." Naruto said angrily.

"Well I don't want to! I want her to know how I feel when she doesn't have any friends! I want her to fucking suffer!!" Suddenly someone slapped her face so hard that she crashed onto a desk and fell onto the floor. Atsuko touched her slapped cheek with shock.

"Get out." Someone said menacingly.

Everyone was so shocked to see him slapping her so hard. Atsuko still sat there with shock and fear.

"I SAID GET OUT!!" Deidara shouted loudly.

Atsuko quickly got up and ran out the class.

"D-Deidara-san?" Hinata said.

Deidara's hair was shadowing his eyes. No one would dared to talk or touch him. Suddenly Deidara kicked the desks that was close to him and broke it. He didn't stop. The blond was filled with anger. Suddenly Kisame hold him to make him stop. Everyone helped the him. Deidara fell to the ground with tears running down his face.



'I hope I can see you again Deidara-kun... Goodbye...'

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