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My Danny: Phillyyyy

Lion Boy: Dannyyyyyy

My Danny: I loveeeeeee youuuuuuu

Lion Boy: I love you moreeeeeeee

My Danny: That's impossible

Lion Boy: Nope. Anyway watcha want?

My Danny: Can you make me fooood?

Lion Boy: Make your own!!

My Danny: But I'm in my browsing position :( Please Philly???

Lion Boy: Fine. What do you want?

My Danny: Mac and Cheese??

Lion Boy: You owe me

My Danny: Love you xx

Lion Boy: Love you more xx

My Danny: Also your binder arrived

Lion Boy: Seriously?!!

My Danny: Yeah, it's in that box by the door, it arrived while you where at the shops


My Danny: Someone's excited!!

Lion Boy: So were you when you got your first one :P

My Danny: Trueeeeeeeeee

My Danny: Philly, I love you so much

Lion Boy: Love you too Danny

A/N: Sorry that was super lame but I'm bored af.

Let's play a game. You guys write the first sentence to a short drabble and I'll finish it in the comments.

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