Chapter three; rumors

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Claire's POV

Me and Jake had a great time last night. We stayed up till 12 watching movies and eating. I'm glad I got to spend some time with him because, I haven't seen him for a hella long time.
I was currently getting dressed and getting my stuff ready for school.

"Hey Claire, I cooked you some pancakes. And, I won't be home till 6. You can eat what you want and we'll go out tonight."

"Okay, put the pancakes in the microwave I have to leave for school now." I went up and hugged him.

"I want you to drive with Shawn today, I'm having him watch over you in school so, I expect you to be on your best behavior. Now, you need to go. Walk over to his house. Love you!"

Ofcourse of all people it's Shawn. Why the fuck is it always Shawn?
I walked over to his house and knocked on his door.

"One sec!" He yelled over the door. He should be ready knowing he's taking me. It's the second day and of school and we're most likely going to be late. GREAT!

"Oh hey babe. Let's get to school don't wanna be late." He said grabbing my hand. I didn't even jerk away. I just wanted to get to school.

"Shawn please roll your windows up. I don't want people knowing we came together." I begged.

"Ouch, that hurt. But, I'm afraid I cannot." He laughed.
So, I hit him.
"What the hell was that for?"

"I'm serious Shawn!"

"Hi serious I'm Shawn. And we will have our windows down. Oh look the school." He smirked.

I didn't want anyone to see us coming together because of what they'll say. 'She probably slept with him' or 'whore' over a car ride and I didn't want to be known as that.

I seen multiple people looking at us. So, I put my head down. Shawn parked in his usual spot as he said. And I hurried and got out.
"Wait up! We got the same classes we can walk together."

"No Shawn. I'm meeting Nash. I'll see you later."

"In still giving you a ride home right?" He asked unsure.

"Yes you are." I said walking away. And when I turned around to see him. I seen the biggest smile almost like he was happy that I was going home with him.


"Move the hell out the way!" I spat.

"Woah Claire it was an accident." Carter said.

"Sorry Carter. I just want don't really feel this whole "back to school" vibe. I'm not ready to be on schedule again." I lied. I really just wanted this day to be over so, I could go out with him.

"Well, I feel the same but, I just want the day to end so, I can see you." He smirked.

"Well I will see you later. See you at lunch!" I said walking away to find Nash.

"Nash!" I yelled.

"Claire!" He yelled back and hugged me. I was glad to have friends like him.

"So you and Shawn? I hope the rumors aren't true about you's."

"What rumors ?"

"There's a bunch. Some say you sucked him off on the way to school. Some say you stayed the night with him. Others say you just got a ride to school with him."

"Well the last one is true. I got a ride from him because my brother wanted me too. It wasn't really a choice. I frankly hate Shawn."

"You hate me? I thought we were just getting around to being friends! I can't believe I tried to be friends with you." Shawn said and it sounded as he was hurt.

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