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New Year's Eve is tomorrow and I couldn't be more scared. Me and Matthew are together and he says how he'd love to marry me and start a family one day but if that one day is sooner than he thought will he still want that? Matthew and me started fooling around thanksgiving so I could keep my mind off of Shawn and because I wanted to try and move on quickly I'm stuck with Matthew and a baby. I'm not ready! I still young. I don't even love Matthew! Now for my entire life I'm stuck with a man I'll never fully be committed to!

"Mag will you get up?" Shawn barges in my room waking me up from my nap. He's kept his distance but we both agreed to always be friends.
I've been taking naps all day so I'd be fully awake tonight . I'd been avoiding Matthew all day, honestly I've been avoiding everyone.
"I'm up Shawn."
"Well good the party starts in a half hour so stay up, why are you sleeping anyway?"
"So I can stay awake all night"
"You got two more hours till the ball drops, I'm sure you can stay awake."
"2 hours holy shit!" I get up fixing myself in my mirror.
"What's wrong Mags you seem off?" I wanted to tell him but if I did I would probably spill the part where I don't want Matthew and how I want him.
"Nothing I'm just ready for the new year, and new blessings."
"Have you told the fans about you and Matthew yet?" Shawn asked me this every day.
"No and I'm not going to, you know how they felt about us. Now let's go downstairs and party."

The balls going to drop in 5 minutes and I haven't seen Matthew all night. I've stayed away from alcohol and I know people are wondering why, but they should mind their own damn business maybe I don't wanna get drunk tonight maybe I don't have to be a party girl, hell what am I saying I get lit up at every party.

"Matthew!" I finally found him with 2 minutes to go.
"Hey babe where have you been?"
"Here I was looking for you, ha where have you been." I was smiling but these things scare me what if he cheated on me?
"I was in my room face timing with my mom. I have to go see her soon. I thought I texted you to come in my room." He pulled out his phone and showed me the message but it didn't deliver.
"Only one minute to go!"
"To the new year with the love of my life" I faked a smile and hugged him.
I'm pregnant
Matthew went to kiss me and then stopped.  He pulled me to his bedroom and locked the door.
"I didn't get my period this month and that's very odd for me since I get it every month on the first so I went to my doctors thinking it was because my diet changed because fuck diets," I laughed,
"and my doctor said your pregnant and I'm a couple weeks pregnant surprise?"
"Were so young."
"Matthew you don't want him or her  do you?" I started to tear up.
"Don't say him or her! It's it. It is barley there, it's not alive we can get an abortion."
"Matthew I will not get an abortion! I made a mistake of getting pregnant and I'm not making a mistake of getting rid of it! I will own up to this!" I was full on crying, I got off his bed to leave and he pushed me back down.
"We're not done."
"Don't you ever put your hands on me."
"Baby let's finish talking yeah?"
I just nodded my head.
"How about we go to sleep and take a drive to the mall in the morning I just need the night to grasp this, ignore everything we just talked about it was because I was surprised and didn't know how to handle the situation."
"Okay let me go get changed." I got up and walked out his room I'm so confused does want this or not?

"Baby get up let's go the mall!" Matthew woke me up with kisses.
"I don't feel like getting up!"
"We can go in your pjs babe!"
"Like hell! Let me go get a hoodie and leggings."
I walked upstairs to my room got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, it was only 7! Why is his ass waking me up so early. I texted Hayes saying we were leaving and I'd get him a pretzel if he made pizza dip later.
I met Matthew out at the car. When I got in he looked very nervous.
We started driving and Hayes texted saying he wanted to come.
"Matthew can we turn around Hayes wants to come."
Matthew ignored me.
"Alright I'll tell him no." I got phone out ready to text Hayes and Matthew smacks it out of my hands.
He starts speeding.
"I love you so so much Maggie you don't even understand. I know you don't love me, even if you do you're not in love with me like I am with you. You'd think I'd be so happy you're pregnant but I can't because you still are in love with Shawn and eventually you two would end back together and my baby would be calling him daddy and not me. I can't go through that! I love you Mag always remember that, plus the baby isn't even made yet, please forgive me! I promise I'll be out the house tomorrow. This has to happen im sorry."
I was so flabbergasted that I couldn't respond, why was he sorry?
I seen him adjust his chair back, and him going really fast.
I felt something embrace my whole body and it went black.

I woke up and looked around and seen I was in a hospital.
"HELLO!" I yelled.
A doctor came in.
"Hello Ms. Maggie how are you feeling, do you know what happened to you?"
"Is my baby okay? Is my baby okay?" I yelled, and cried.
"You're baby didn't make it I'm sorry, it was barley conceived. You have a visitor named Shawn, shall I send him in?"
Matthew killed my baby.
"That bastard where is he! He killed my baby! Tell me there is something you can do my baby has to be alive." I was going hysterical. I ripped all the cords out of my body and tried to run out the room.
"I'm going to fucking kill him!" I yelled and seen Shawn running in the room. I felt something go in my arm and passed out.

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