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The officer started walking up to the car. Not gonna lie I was about to shit my pants, I have never been pulled over.

"Sir, I'm going to need--." I quickly handed him all that he needed. Beth was going to get in my ass after this.

"Well, Shawn I am going to let you off with a warning but, may I please take a picture of you? My daughter adores you too, getting her tickets for your guys upcoming show!"

"Yes sir." I hurried and got out the car, Maggie might have just found out about the tour but she was apart of it for a few months already but hopefully she doesn't know that everyone knew before her.

"You too." The officer pointed at Mags. She laughed and got out the car. First he took a picture of us too, and then got a picture separately with the both of us.

"Seriously though, don't speed young man."

"Sure thing sir!"

We finally got to the restaurant and Mag got her new phone. I was dreading coming because of Matthew. He told all of us guys that him and Mag were meant to be and he was going to ask her out. I might have punched him in the face,

"Shawn you are walking so slow!" Maggie began to try and drag me inside.

"I'm coming Mag wait a minute." I took a deep breath and grabbed Maggie's hand and walked in.

"Finally you guys are here damn yall took forever." Johnson said.

"Its Shawn's fault!" Maggie laughed.

"Yes blame it all on me."

"Didn't you get pulled over?" G said.

"That's not the point Gilinsky ." We all laughed. But, it was shortly ruined when Matthew came through the doors.

"Sorry guys my flight was late." He walked with a big smile towards Mag. I put my arm around her.

"Why are you guys more touchy then usual?" Aaron asked pointing to us. Mags blushed.

"Shawn's my bitch." Everyone laughed.

"No you're my bitch."

"Shawn! Just let me tell people your my bitch!" She whined.

"I am not being your bitch Mags!"

"Date already!" Cameron yelled.

"We already do!" Mag yelled back.


"Your her bitch Shawn." Taylor laughed.

"I am not her bitch damn. If anything shes my bitch."

"Can I speak to you shawn?" Matthew said.

I got up and walked to the bathroom with Matthew. What the fuck does he want?

"So your dating her."

"No shit."

"Take good care of her for me. "

"That's what I'm planning on doing. Why did you wanna talk to me?"

"Because I love her and I was so fucking close to being with her. You never fucking started liking her till I said something and what I said about taking care of her is just a heads up for what you can say to me when I take her away from you. I never wanted this to happen Shawn. But, you don't mess with I love. I let it slide the first time with Kat because I loved her but I'm in love with Maggie and I will stop at nothing to make her mine. Quit stealing what mine Shawn, it got old in high school." Matthew spat in my face. I had never seen him act this.

"Matthew before you go home, which will be right after the conversation is that Maggie is mine. She was always mine and always will be. I have always loved Mag since I first seen her. I am inlove with her you are not. She might have entertained you a while ago but, she will never look in your direction. I know everything there is to know about her. And my friend you are very lucky she doesn't like violence or wouldn't be able to move. I never did anything with Kat. Shw wanted me but I never wanted her Matthew. Now, get the fuck out of here and leave me and MY girl alone."

"Fuck you Shawn. " Matthew stormed out of the doors and I walked back to the table I just lost a very important friend and it hurt but not as much as it would hurt if I lost Mag.

"What the hell happened?" The jacks yelled out at me.

"Matthew wanted something of mine that he couldn't have and hes going home."

"Huh?" Maggie was confused but the boys knew.

"Maggie you dumb fuck Matthew wanted you." Taylor said.
Maggie laughed.

"Yeah no shit, I'm just confused why he wanted me."

"Because your perfect."

"Cheesy as hell Shawn but thanks. I told Matthew before when he asked me out I didn't want to be with him."

"What did I miss?"

"HAYES!" We all yelled

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