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I haven't spoke at all in three weeks. I never knew I could love something so much that was even alive. Shawn's been checking up on me a lot. Everyone thinks it's because Matthew left and my hearts broken but honestly I could care less about him. Why didn't he just let me have the baby? I wouldn't care if I was a single mother.
"Mag." Hayes called me while knocking on my door.
I got up and opened it. And went straight back to my bed.
"I know why you're upset and it isn't Matthew." Him saying this caught my attention and I whipped my head to his direction and stared at him.
"I called your doctor and he said this was normal for someone who had a miscarriage. Do you want to explain?"
I started to cry and shook my head no.
"Were best friends and we tell each other everything even if it might make one of us mad at the other for a little bit."
I knew he was about to give me a full on speech so I wiped my tears away and sat straight up.
"This is probably really hard for you, I have a clue how it feels losing someone close to you but I never experienced that. Your doctor said that the baby was only a couple weeks so you didn't or he didn't technically kill it, he killed what it could've been. This pain will probably never go away and I know that but you can't waste your time moping and crying. You have everyone worried. You were like this with Shawn but at least you spoke. Shawn thinks you didn't even love him, he still loves you! He came to me every day saying how painful it was for you and Matthew to be together but it made you happy so he was. I bet you would've broken up with Matthew if you didn't get pregnant. Don't cry over this, make this a lesson. You aren't ready next time you will be. You definitely didn't want the baby with Matthew. Why look at all the negative?" Even though Hayes was 101% right I just couldn't see any positivity in it. Maybe I should say something. After minutes of silence I speak up.
"Hayes, I really do understand where you're coming from but she/he was just taken from me. I was sure as hell not ready but for them I would be. Matthew is the only fucking person to blame and if I ever see him he's fucking dead." I lost the feeling of sadness and only felt anger. It just sunk in Matthew did this he took away my baby. I went to get up and Hayes held me down.
"Chill out Mag it was an accident he was just as shaken up about it I'm sure."
"Accident? Are you fucking kidding he did it on purpose!"
"I'm sure it seems like that but-"
"Hayes he apologized and said this is what it had to be and sped as fast as he could. He gave me a whole speech about it. He didn't want the baby Hayes."
"Oh my gosh you can't be serious! Did you take anything in the past couple hours."
"He said he wanted a family with me, he said he's in love with me. He said Shawn is the one I love and not him. The baby would grow up and call Shawn 'dad' and not him. He killed our baby because he knew we wouldn't last and I would run right back to Shawn and he wouldn't have me no more or the baby."
"Woah woah listen this is some crazy shit we have to tell everyone. Matthew cannot get away with this."
"Hayes please don't I can't let everyone see me so vulnerable."
"Im telling Shawn."
He walked up and left I didn't have the energy to follow him I just spoke for the first time in three weeks my throats was killing me. I needed water.
I texted Taylor to bring me some.
"Hey Maggie, any chance you know why Shawns yelling?"
I gulped down the water and Taylor took his phone out waiting for a text response.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Oh my gosh you're talking."
"Yes I am."
"Since you are, what do you think of her?" He showed me a picture.
"She's so pretty!"
"Yeah she is, I've been texting her."
"Let me see the messages!"
I read them and she seemed so sweet and caring perfect for Taylor.
"What about Macy?"
"She'll always be my first love."
"What's her name?"
"Gia. Speaking of names your papers came in, your name is officially just Maggie Claire!"
"I've been waiting!"
"So when you get married your just gonna add mendes on the end or take away Claire?"
"I'll just add Mendes." Taylor gave me a look and I just winked. I did see myself with Shawn again maybe even marrying him but not for a while.
"Thank you for this Taylor you made me forget about he/she." I teared up a little bit.
Fuck fuck fuck.
"I'll talk to Hayes about it,yeah?"
"Yeah, in gonna shower."
I shower for the first time in a week and girl did I need it.
I decided I would get ready today so I did and I was proud even though my bags were so bad that even if I put on multiple layers of concealer and you could still see them I was still happy with the way I looked. I took a picture and uploaded it to Instagram and took a couple pictures for snapchat. It was the first time in weeks I was on social media and I know people were confused.
I went downstairs and seen everyone on the couch. They were all starting at me.
"Hey guys?"
"Hey baby you look so good." Shawn got up and hugged me. Not gonna lie it was the best hug I've had in a long time I hugged him back never wanting to let go.
"Everyone knows, were not gonna talk about it now, but later we're going to." He whispered in my ear. I just nodded,soon everyone was hugging.
"I love you so so so much Mags."
"I love you so so so much more Shawn."
We kissed after not kissing for so long and I forgot in that couple of seconds why I was even upset.

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