Chapter Ten

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Before we start, I would just like to say if you, or someone you know, can make cover please dm me!

Maggie's POV

I woke up at 4:45, there was no more sleeping for me. Monday what a terrible day, a day where I had to wake up, a day without Nash, a day I had to go to school, and a day Kian would do something. He had no misery for anyone but himself. I decided I'd get ready, I quietly got my clothes together and went to my bathroom not waking Shawn, its been three days since I last showered, I took a decent amount of a shower and got out and did my makeup. I had a large amount under my eyes to hide the bags.

It was only 6, so I decided to let Shawn sleep and I turned on my phone. I got on and it was left on my messages with Nash. I clicked off of them quickly and read the 183828975283749349832 messages I got.

Shawn set up a group chat with Cameron, Taylor, Matt, The Jack's, Aaron, Hayes, and even Carter. I decided to forgive Carter, he is probably just a mess as I am. I read through the messages of them saying that we all should go school tomorrow. They also talked about buying the house in Cali. They seemed pretty serious and if they were going to so was I. Nash always wanted all of us to move in a big house and just have fun. (It's around march, Maggie knew these boys from the summer so, its not like she wasn't close with them.) Shawn told them all to call me Maggie which I was thankful for, if Kian was gonna 'expose' me might as well let my friends know who I really am. I mean its not even that bad, I was just going by my first name. Plus, I liked the way Shawn said Maggie.

I ignored all the messages from people I barley talk to, they all said sorry for your loss, Nash for sure wasn't a loss, I feel like I won at life to even know such a great kid like him. I mean known. I plugged up my phone and left my room. I'm hungry for the first time in days. Shawn has really made me feel better, he told me Nash wouldn't want us moping around, he'd want us to make an adventure out of it.

I walked into Jake's room and he was laying in his bed on his phone. I knew Jake was sad about Nash too but, didn't want to show his emotions. He would hang out with Nash and me all the time, so I know he must've put on a brave face for me.

"Jake can you go get Shawn some clothes."

"Sure, what is he your boyfriend Claire?"

"It's Maggie you twit, I decided I want to be called by my birth name."

"Ooh your dating Shawn?"

"Am not! Now go get his clothes."

Jake left and hurried back and gave me some of Shawn's clothes. I feel the need to be generous, Nash taught me that. I ignored Jake, I didn't want to admit to anyone that fuckboy Shawn was a boy I liked. I promised myself no more boys but, Shawn is different then he leads most people. What am I even saying Shawns a real dick, I'm only seeing him this was because I'm emotional.

It was 7 and Shawn had to get ready fast because we leave in a half hour.

"Shawn wake up and shower come of your clothes are in there."

Shawn wiped his eyes and grubbled making his was to the bathroom.

It was almost the end of first period and I was dreading the end. We had an assembly right after this and I knew damn well it was about Nash.

I hope Hayes is okay, he has most of his classes with Tez, like gym language and math. So, one class without him he should be good.

We sat at a big table and Shawn had his arm around me. No one in our group spoke at all, seeing him not at his usual seat is making it clear he's not coming back.

The bell rung and we all slowly walked to the gym. We sat in the chairs near eachother in the front. They had nash's picture up front, them images of him dead were playing in my mind, the tears exploaded. Hayes came in and sat next to me on my right with Shawn on my left. When Hayes came in crying that's when everyone started in our group. People gave us sad looks and it hurt even more when they weren't affected. Cameron was on the ground, Nash was my bestfriend but him and Cameron were brothers. Everyone was close to Nash one way or another. Hayes was so bad that they had to call his dad to come get him. It was only 10 minutes and it hasn't even started. I wanted to go but I had to be strong for Hayes when he was weak.

The principal walked up on the stage. I laid on Shawn and he held me tighter.

"A moment of silence please."

"Alright, now as we all know we lost a very important friend, brother and student, lets look back on some memories of Nash Grier."

They had a projector screen on and after a few picture and many tears the screen twitched and a video of Kian popped up.


"Oh now don't be calling Shawn, he can't do anything in a state like this, a crybaby. Now Claire or should I say Maggie."

"That's old news buddy, a lot of people go by their middle name." Taylor yelled. I was happy he stood up for me.

"Well well shall we go on about Shawn?"

"Shut up Kian you don't got nothing on me!"

"Oh but Shawn I do. All I had to do was talk to little A. I wouldn't upset her anymore you little virgin."

Everyone was trying to cut it off, Shawn was beyond pissed, everyone was shocked. SHAWNS A VIRIGIN? Why make up the lies?

The screen came up of twitter dms between Kian and Nash of him telling Nash to kill himself.

"THIS IS TOO FAR YOU WENT TO FAR KIAN! YOU CAN MESS WITH ME BUT, NASH AND SHAWN ARE TOO FUCKING FAR. WE ARE YOU, HUH YOU LITTLE PUSSY? COME OUT WERE EVER YOU ARE!" I yelled mixed with tears, he made Nash kill himself. Matt and Taylor were holding me back when Kian stepped in the room. Shawn came at him beating him to blood came out and was escorted by police.

"Everyone may leave, go back to class a free day. I am so sorry."

How did they let this happen.

"Matt let me go I wanna go see where they took Shawn!"

"Lets get you home." He picked me up and put me in his backseat. I fell asleep instantly.

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