Chapter four ; The truth about Carter

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Shawns POV
I ran outside and found Carter. That little piece of shit thought they he could get into my Claire's pants? He had another fucking thing coming.
"Carter give it up buddy, I see the beat up junk car from miles away. Get out!" I yelled at him.
"Shawn what does this even have to fucking do with you?"
"Your messing with my Claire!" I yelled, but I quickly shut up because I was trying to keep my secret to myself. Claire was the only chance I had of changing my ways.
"Your Claire? Hilarious! She doesn't like you Shawn and she never will! Nobody likes you! Nash told her the first day to stay away from you. You might not be to happy when you figure out I know where her apartment is. And guess what I'll do when I find her, alone and scared. She'll have to do what I say then." I slammed Carter to the ground I punched him repeatedly and blood came out. Carter was right she'd never like me. But, that doesn't mean I'll stop trying.
"Hey stop the fighting or I'll calling the police!" Some guy yelled. I got up and ran back to Jake's.

Claire's POV

I couldn't stop crying. Carter will probably make up rumors and ruin my life just like Kian did.

I heard banging on the door and I looked and it was Shawn, I opened the door and hugged him.

"You aren't going back to your apartment."
"Why?" I honestly didn't want to go back but I just got my own place to live and I've slept in it for a week at most.
"Just don't. I know the owners I can get you out your lease. I'm sure Jake will let you like here. Let's go get your things."
Shawn was acting weird. Usually he would be flirty and get on my nerves, this Shawn was straight to the point and it honestly scared me. I called my mom and told her that the apartment wasn't working out and I was moving in with Jake. She said she understood even though a lot of money was put into the apartment, then I asked for a car and she laughed and told me goodbye and hung up.
"Let's go get your things, I don't think we can bring any furniture."
"Honestly all I need is my clothes, shoes, and makeup. "

We got all stuff which was a lot but not enough were we had to call a movers van.
Shawn sat on his phone most of the time and once I put everything in the truck and told him it was time to go her smirked and turned his phone off.
"What was that all about?"
"Oh you'll see sweetheart."
"What are you an old lady with 5 grandchildren, sweethearts come to Grammy." I had to lighten up the mood because Shawn was being very mysterious.
"That was actually a good one." He laughed and we pulled up to Jake's driveway. And jakes car was there.
"Did you tell Jake?"
"Yes you can stay and about Carter you bet I fucking did."
"Oh my gosh Shawn are you an idiot? Jakes never going to let me leave the house."
"Good thing princess I can come over to fulfill your needs."  I felt sick, after all that happened why would he say that.
"Your a fucking jerk Shawn."
"I didn't mean it like that Claire, I really didn't I meant as a friend because we're friends yeah?"
"Shawn you did do something important for me but we aren't friends. You and my brother are but us no."
"You know fucking what Claire? Get your shit and go to Jake's. Don't fucking talk to me or none of that shit check your phone while your at it because I did something that I shouldn't done for just a peer of mine. Your a fucking bitch I try and be friends with you."
"Shawn all you fucking do is make sexual remarks and you don't understand how much that fucking messes with me. You don't know me!" I yelled and slammed his door and started getting my shit out the back. I put it all in Jake's living room and started crying. Shawn reminds me of kian so much. Kian would flirt with me and make sexual remarks but the difference between them was that Shawn did this with everyone so it's not like I should be worrying. Kian knew I was weak and would fall for him. Shawn hates my guts and doesn't want to date me. I gotta have my guard up though because Carter was the same as kian a douchebag who just wanted sex. Even though Carter wasn't as worse as Kian I will never speak to him again.
"Come here." Jake said with his arms wide open. I got up and hugged him staining his shirt with my tears.
"Check your phone. Go on shawns Twitter. Carter will never step in that school again."
I unlocked my phone and went on Twitter and searched up Shawn. He was following me and I never followed him back. Hmm that'll show him I scrolled down and seen a video and Shawn tagged Carter. I watched it. It was Carter forcing a girl named Maggie (who's in a lower grade than us) to have sex. His dick was out and she kept telling him no.
I felt bad for being rude to Shawn. I followed him back and made an indirect tweet knowing he'Ll most likely see it saying 'I'm sorry, friends?' I really hoped he'd forgive me. He could get into a lot of trouble for exposing Carter.  I clicked on his profile and he made a tweet saying 'Ride to school?"
I made one saying 'sure'.  He deleted his tweets and I deleted mine. I can't believe I'm becoming friends with fuckboy Shawn.

Me and Nash have been on FaceTime for hours. I told him what happened and he said him and Hayes we're going to fight Carter. I'm glad I had friends.
"You need to be going to bed Claire and I'm tired I'll see you and Shawn at school tomorrow."

I woke up and got ready. Jake already left so i went outside and looked over at shawns house and no cars were there. I walked up to his door and knocked.
"Hey." A little girl opened the door.
"Hi I'm Claire. Where's Shawn he's supposed to be giving me a ride."
"I'm A, just A. I like to keep it short and simple. I'm Shawn's sister. Shawn already left for school he had to pick up his girlfriend Chelsea. I actually have to start walking to school now."
"I'll walk with you, your schools right near mine."
"You know you'll be late right?"
"I honestly don't care I'm so pissed at Shawn."
"Yeah he's a real dick, new girlfriend every night." I laughed because she's very right even his little sister knows.
"He's such a fuckboy Claire. I am so sorry that he likes you."
"Aren't you THE Claire Foosh?"
"Yeah but Shawn doesn't like me."
"I know everything, but hey there's my school see you later lover of Shawn."
Shawn cannot like me. Never will I ever out out with a conceited jerk asshole like Shawn mendes! His sister has to be lying because no fuckboy settles for one girl. Kian told me this and the moved on with my best friend Rachel. I am not making this mistake again.

I finally updated! Please vote and comment. Share the story with your friends! We may or may not find out about Kian the next chapter! I'm going to be updating as much as I can because it's been a while since you guys had a new chapter! Adios !

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