Chapter 9

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Maggie's POV

I've been crying in my room for the past two days, it felt like longer but Jake came in and tried to get me to leave. I haven't ate and the only time I get up is to use the bathroom which is still in my room, ive been in the same clothes I haven't done anything else but, lay and mope. I don't understand why would he do this?!

Someone knocked and I ignored it because Jake would eventually open the door anyway even though I don't want him here. The knocking continued but, I began to feel my head get heavy and my eyes slowly shut.

Shawn's POV

Jake had to go back to work and he told me I needed to get out the house and I did, to his house to watch Claire. I needed to show her the letter Nash left but I can't because my secret will come out. How do I tell her "i've been talking to my friends the way you take away my breath." (GIRLS TALK BOYS!!) She'll never believe me and the only person who did was nash, and now hes gone. Of course he'd still expose me when hes gone, I really miss him. The tears come down harder, its not like they ever stopped since that day. I walk upstairs to Claire's bedroom since Jake just left. I kept knocking but she didn't answer and it was really scaring me what if she did what Nash did? I grabbed the door knob and luckily it was unlocked and opened her door but, she was just sleeping.

I got on her bed and unlocked my phone after two days of not being on it, my parents tried to talk to me but, they're never around so they wouldn't understand, even Nash's parents know me better. This year me and Nash haven't hung out at much, I tried to! But, he told me he was busy with school. I should have still went to his house, this is all my fault. I ignored all the notifications I had and called Hayes, I really hoped he picked his phone up.

"Yyyyyeah Shawn." Hayes tried not to cry.

"Let it all out Hayes."

"Nash wrote in his letter for me to stop being a little bitch." He laughed and so did I, it felt great.

"I really miss you Hayes."

"I miss you too, I think I'm gonna try and go to school tomorrow so I can get him off my mind."

"Me and Claire will go with you, call me or text me if you need to talk hayes, love you."

"Will do, love you too."

"Bye," Hayes started to cry.

"I meant later." I didn't know what to say.

"Sorry shawn I just don't like people saying bye, its like your leaving me."

"I wont Hayes, ill see you at school." I hung up and put my phone down.

Everything on my mind was about Nash, I'm not ready for school so I know dang well Hayes isn't. I know he's going to try and clear his mind. I just laid there and cried.

"Shawn." Claire finally woke up.

"Yes Claire?"

"Call me Maggie, Kian's gonna tell everyone anyway. But, why are you here?"

"Jake's at work and frankly I need someone to talk to." we both just laid and looked at the ceiling.



"Do we have to talk?"

"No." Even if I wasn't talking to her I was still near here and that's all that matters.

After 30 minutes or so, I decided to talk.

"Maggie?" We both turned and looked at eachother.


"Do you hate me?"

"No, I would never."

"I think your gonna after I tell you this." I had to tell her Nash wrote her a letter but, I cant give it to her.

"Spit it out Shawn."

"Now please don't hate me but, Nash wrote me you and Hayes letters. They weren't in a envelope or anything but Hayes found them the day he well you know and after I dropped you off I went to get them from Hayes, Hayes read them all and there is a secret in there and Nash wrote it in your letter and I haven't read mine yet because I don't wanna give you yours and then you find out its not the right time with Kian around and all-" She cut me off.

"I don't think I would be able to read it now anyway Shawn, but I do want it soon. I don't hate you." I smiled a genuine smile.

"Oh and Shawn."


"You told Hayes were going to school tomorrow, I don't think I'm ready."

"I'm not either that's why were all going, if you don't wanna go you don't have too, I just said your name because I need someone in my classes with me."

"I'll go." She yawned.

"Lets get some sleep, yeah." By the time I said that she was already asleep.

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