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I woke up in Aaron's old bedroom, I think? My head hurt so bad and I had no memory. I got up and I was naked, shit. Where's Mag. I quickly grab my clothes and put them on and run out the room. I run out and Hayes looks at me and shakes his head, I give him a confused look.

"What Hayes?"

"You seriously don't know?" I rolled my eyes I was not in the mood for this my head was pounding.

"I clearly just said what What Hayes."

"You cheated you fucking piece of shit!" Hayes grabbed on the pillow holding it so tightly. My heart sunk, I couldn't have I wouldn't have.

"No, no I have to see her." I walked to the stairs.

"You better fucking not,  you don't deserve to see her."

I ignored him and went up the stairs anyway and as soon as I turned the corner I was pushed down the stairs again. My body ached going down the long stairway finally stopping when it the stairs had a turn in them, my face hit the wooden bars and my face hurts so bad I feel the blood dripping all over my face, my nose feels broken. I just lay limp my body hurts too much to move it. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I feel my body being lifted.

"NO JAKE STOP!"I hear Taylor yell. Jake throws me down the stairs.  I land on my back with my arm behind it, its broken. I just want to die. I hear someone run over to me after a couple of minutes and its Taylor. He lifts me up and brings me to the car.

I lay in the back seat just yelling I am in so much pain. Taylor drove me to the hospital and after they worked on my arm he came back in and started to pace back and forth.

"You fucked up so bad!"

"I don't remember, why would I mess up like this!" I yelled.

"Have you learned nothing from me? I cheated once and lost the one of the best girls ever now look at me, no girls take me seriously they look at me as a cheater. I was lucky to have Macy even if it wasn't for a long time. You guys just got together! You've been inlove with her since you met her how can you just make a fucking dumb mistake so easily?"

"I don't fucking know Taylor, I would never! I had one drink last night I wasn't even drunk why can't I remember?"

"I don't know, what the hell did you even drink for it to be that strong?" My body ached.

"I don't know some girl gave it to me."

"You fucking idiot she obviously put something in it, Shawn you are so fucking stupid I swear."

"I fucking know Taylor I know! You think I don't, she gone she's never going to take me back. I fucking ruined my whole life. What's the point of living." She's my happiness.

"Shut the fuck up Shawn you're being a little dramatic bitch. Get over it stop giving up in your self you betting find a fucking way to get her back. I gave up on Macy because I thought she never take me back. Maybe if I tried she would still be in my life even if we were just friends. It's been three years Shawn I haven't been with no one else. You are so fucking lucky you have this tour with her, if she even still goes."


"Jake what the fuck did you do?"
I opened my door up for the first time that day my voice came out hoarse. He hurt Shawn.
"He deserved it Maggie!"
"Jake I don't care what Shawn did he doesn't deserve to get hurt."
"He cheated on you E, don't you get it! He doesn't care about you."
"Don't you dare say that!"
"He doesn't love you! If he could cheat on you that fast he doesn't love you."
"Jake you and Shawn were best friends what happened?"
"You two started dating after I told him not to, he brought this on himself. You brought this on yourself."
"You are most definitely not acting like a brother fuck you Jake."
"Go ahead go back to him, you desperate little bitch i told you not to get with Kian and Shawn both of them backfired."
"When I got with Shawn I forgot all about Kian he doesn't even cross my mind anymore. Didn't you cheat on Ana? You're no fucking saint either."
"Shawn and Taylor are on their way home." Hayes interrupted us.
"Fuck off Hayes."
"Go home Jake, you're not welcome here."
"I sold my fucking house, the fuck you mean?"
"This is my house bitch, you'll find a way. I'll book your flight now, call mom to let her know you'll be staying with her. You are never fucking welcomed here again."
"You're such a fucking bitch Maggie everything must revolve around you. Let me get my things I'll be out of here gladly, fuck you and fuck Shawn good luck with him cheating on you."
Jake was my brother by blood but by heart no. Jake and me never fought as much as we did since I moved away. We were so close I don't understand how we fell apart he doesn't even act like he used to.
I went back in my room and locked my door I was leaving for tour soon and that meant I would be with Shawn ever day for 6 months. I won't let myself get back with him, or at least try because without Shawn is one less half of myself.

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