8 - In Trouble Now

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“This isn’t so bad,” Logan commented as we walked slowly. I nodded in agreement trying not to think about how nice it felt to have our fingers intertwined. Logan was swinging our hands slightly as we strolled along a few feet in front of his friends. They all wanted to finish their conversation as they walked to their cars. Logan purposely brought me to the head of the group so we could flaunt our fake relationship.

We entered into a nearby building and Logan immediately let go of my hand causing me to frown. Logan didn’t notice my expression though and stuffed his hands into his pockets as he continued to stride along through the halls. I followed close behind struggling to occupy my hands. Looking over my shoulder I noticed that his friends were actually pretty far behind us.

“It seems like we can actually do this,” Logan stated suddenly stopping and leaning against a wall. He looked down at floor and ran both of his hands through his hair. I resisted the urge to touch his soft locks myself. I mentally scolded myself for thinking such thoughts yet again.

I noticed that Logan was waiting for me to say something. “Yeah, it’s a piece of cake so far.” A comfortable silence fell over us until finally I started shifting my weight as my backpack became heavy on my one shoulder. His friends caught up to us all talking amongst themselves.

“I guess I should drive you home now?” Logan suggested.

I wanted to answer no but decided against it. Logan flashed me a simple grin and then led me through the halls and to the parking lot. His friends didn’t seem to notice us move or if they did, they didn’t show interest. I was hoping to have a simple walk to the car followed by an easy ride home but I wasn’t lucky enough.

As we turned a corner in the halls, Sophie suddenly appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Logan gave her a polite greeting causing her to smile sweetly and blush. I rolled my eyes hoping that I didn’t look like her whenever Logan talked to me. Caitlyn and Tina soon showed up as well. They were all smiles and manners as if they had never done a dishonest thing in their life. I had to glare at them behind Logan’s back because something inside me couldn’t want to like them.

“So…Logie, what are you doing here?” Caitlyn asked making sure to glance at me as she traced a finger up Logan’s arm.

“I was driving Vee home,” he replied taking a step back and placing a hand around my waist.  I tried my best to keep an honest smile and not sneer proudly.

“Ah yes, we’ve met the girl who claims to be your girlfriend,” Caitlyn announced trying to call my out on my lie.

Logan’s group of friends rounded the corner then and took in the present situation.

“She is my girlfriend,” Logan confirmed ignoring the arrival of his friends.

Caitlyn made a huffing noise and crossed her arms over her chest as she examined us with her eyes clearly displeased.

“Unbelievable, isn’t Cat?” Matt asked coming up on the side that Logan was not on and draping and arm around my shoulder. “Who would have ever thought this ol’ guy would settle down?”

Caitlyn rolled her eyes. “Yes, it’s quite a change. I hope he is up for the challenge of a relationship. I wish you two my very best. Well, we best be off. See you later Logan?”

I glanced over at him but he only nodded toward her before pushing Matt’s arm away from me possessively. Caitlyn scampered off with her two minions trailing behind and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

Logan was fighting playfully with Matt. I moved to stand back with the girls and Ricky.

“Caitlyn seems like…” I drifted off unsure of how to phrase my thoughts.

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