30 - Logan's POV

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Logan’s POV:

It hurt.

Everything hurt.

I think what hurt the most though was the realization. Watching Vee run out of the ballroom brought everything down on me with magnified force.

Nothing was the same. It wasn’t that I expected it to be but I didn’t honestly believe that Vee made that big of an impact in my life. It really showed the next week of school. I felt…alone and not just in the car ride to school but everywhere I seemed to go.

I was unsure of how class was going to go on Monday. I knew I would dread seeing her face. I knew that I would be able to feel her warm chocolate brown eyes staring at me from where ever she sat. That was assuming of course that she even wanted to look at me. Monday came and went and Avena was nowhere to be seen. Knowing that her whereabouts were no longer my business really stabbed me deep. 

I tried to chalk her disappearance up to being sick. By the end of the week though, both Hazel and Ally who had been ignoring me for the past few days, blamed me for her sudden disappearance.

“It’s your entire fault!”

I rolled my eyes at Hazel for the umpteenth time. “You don’t think I feel horrible about it?”

Ally rushed over to our table. “Have you heard about Vee yet?”

“When haven’t I?” I mumbled. She wasn’t even here and yet I couldn’t escape her not that I wanted to.

“She transferred schools!” Ally announced.

Hazel, who was sitting next to me, punched me in the arm. “You ass,” she cursed angrily. “You drove her away without even a goodbye."

I didn’t even hear her or feel the hit. Transferred schools? Was it really because of me? Did I really cause her to leave? How was I supposed to see her now? How was I supposed to make sure that she was okay? How was I supposed to make sure she was safe?

I sighed. “This is my entire fault.”

That weekend, I didn’t feel like even moving. Getting up to get a drink was suddenly too much effort. I just wanted to stay in my house and never come out. I wanted no interruptions, no visitors, nothing.

I drove away the only girl I truly cared about. The girl I didn’t want to let go of walked straight out of my life and I didn’t stop her. Oh God, I was turning into one of those cheesy song writers. I needed to shut my thoughts off before I started belting out some sappy Michael Bublѐ song.

I sighed lying lazily on my couch in just a muscle shirt and sweat pants. I almost felt like breaking out a tub of ice cream and watching whatever was on Lifetime. Did you see what this girl was doing to me?

Someone knocked on my door but I didn’t even register it. The knocking continued until it got louder and more demanding. I groaned loudly enough for whoever was behind the door to hear and the door opened.

“You haven’t returned my calls,” a very annoying and very familiar voice shrieked.

I swatted at the air. “Go away Eves, I don’t want you here.”

“Too bad,” my sister said setting down her purse on my coffee table and roughly pushing my feet aside to sit on my couch. “You need to cheer up.”

“Why?” I asked sitting up. “Just so I can to school every day and be reminded of what never was? So I can go to class and never see her face again? So I can walk down the halls and get depressed when I remember everything that’s happened between the two of us?”

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