21 - Emotionally Stressed

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The next day, school seemed like such an inconvenience since all it did was separate me from Logan. I realized that I was starting to turn into that girl that obsesses over what’s hers but I was too caught up in my thoughts of Logan to care. God, what was happening to me? I wanted to speak with Peyton about my newfound infatuation but she never met me back at my place. I passed it off and would worry about it later. 

Regardless, the day after the Christmas party just seemed boring. There was nothing to do especially since it was the day that I had an extra class and Logan wouldn’t be driving me home.

I sighed walking toward my last class of the day dreading the next two hours that would provide absolutely no entertainment. I stopped short though as I turned a sharp corner and was met with a scuffle of loud voices.

I stayed hidden behind the corner as I recognized the high pitched tone of Caitlyn. I raised an eyebrow trying to understand what was going on. Caitlyn was being held against a wall by some taller and stronger guy. I couldn’t recognize him but he definitely didn’t look familiar. Caitlyn did not look comfortable at all.

“Why are you being such a tease baby?” The guy’s voice was low and spine tingling.

Caitlyn made a move which was an obvious escape attempt but the guy held her back. “If you don’t want it that much, then why you dress like such a whore?”

The guy pushed himself up against her roughly and she let out a small protest.  I looked around trying to figure out why no one was helping this situation. I took a brave step out into the hall and tried to look like I hadn’t just been listening.

“What’s going on here?” I asked in the most threatening voice I could muster. The guy cornering Caitlyn glanced my way for just a second before muttering something to Caitlyn. He took a step away from her and spit at her feet. Before walking away, he shot me a nasty glare and thought, ‘Thanks for ruining my good time bitch’.

Caitlyn’s mouth trembled a little as she slid down the wall into a sitting position. I watched her for a minute as she put her head in her hands. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other and bit my lip. I had no idea what to do. Did I stay here and comfort the girl who wanted my boyfriend or do I walk away and pretend I never saw anything so we can go back to hating each other?

I sighed as the better part of my conscious took over. I slid down against the wall next to Caitlyn but I didn’t look or speak to her. I stared straight ahead and listened to her sob for a little while.

Feeling slightly awkward I finally asked, “Where are your friends?”

Caitlyn looked surprised as if she just noticed me for the first time. She wiped her tears away possibly trying to hide them but it was pointless.

“They don’t have a class right now.” She didn’t say it bitterly or anything which shocked me. She stated it like it was a simple fact that everyone should’ve known.

“Oh,” I mumbled. “Are you alright?”

Caitlyn sniffled and spat out, “I’m fine.”

I tensed a little as her anger came out but I relax when I realized that I could just simply walk away. I was certainly not the victim here.

“Well, then I guess I’ll just be getting to class then,” I muttered beginning to stand. I understood that Caitlyn was obviously not in the mood to talk and least of all to me.

“Do you know what it’s like trying to impress some guys yet trying to avoid the freaks?” Caitlyn asked. She didn’t direct the question at me but I still sat back down. “Dressing like this isn’t really a choice I like but its fashion, right? God, life really is a bitch sometimes.”

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