14 - Date Gone Wrong

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School was a breeze and we didn’t stay long after class. Logan really seemed excited to get to the movies though when I asked him about it, he didn’t comment. 

Logan decided on an action flick. I didn’t have a preference because I had never been to an actual movie theater. I know; I don’t get out much. That has been established already. Even if it was my first trip to the cinema, I didn’t let Logan know. It wasn’t like I hadn’t ever seen a movie in my life though. Keep in mind that I did watch a lot of TV.

He picked the movie which involved a lot of killing with minimal plot but overall, the cool experience made up for all that. There is nothing better than hearing gunshots go off in surround sound and seeing blood spill on a huge projection screen.

I held the big bowl of popcorn in my lap that both Logan and I were sharing. Despite what every cheesy flick might tell you, nothing overly romantic happened during the film. I know that sitting in a dark crowded theater watching stars get their heads blown off is every girls dream first date but it’s not really all it’s cracked up to be. Note the sarcasm.

Logan didn’t reach for my hand and he barely glanced over at me. Every now and then he would whisper a comment about the film and I would nod or laugh in agreement. Sometimes, I noticed that Logan’s hand would brush against mine in the popcorn bowl and stray for a second longer than needed. I almost read his mind to see what he was thinking but the sounds of an explosion would always drown his voice out.

Once the movie was over, we walked out of the theater together but Logan seemed hesitant to leave.

“Did you like it?” Logan asked stretching slightly and stopping just before the exit.

I nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, it was…uh…good.”

“Was it a little too gory for you?” 

I shook my head. “It kept my interest.”

Logan smiled clearly relieved and then slowly added, “Are you ready to go?”

I was about to nod when I suddenly felt pressure in my lower stomach. It seemed that the large drink I had gotten that already went through me. “Actually, I just need to go to the bathroom.”

“Yeah, me too. I’ll meet you back out here alright?” I eagerly agreed before scampering off to the bathroom. After I finished, I walked outside only to find that Logan had not finished before me. I walked over a nearby pillar and leaned against it deciding to wait for him.

“Having fun?”

I jumped a foot at the sound and turned around to see Peyton leaning next to me with an amused smile. “Jesus!” I swore. “You can’t sneak up on me!”

Peyton’s smile didn’t falter, “Sorry. I can’t believe you liked that film. I’m more of a romantic comedy type of girl myself but hey whatever.”

I stared at her quizzically for a moment unsure of what she wanted from me. “Okay?”

“So that’s the non-boyfriend huh?” She motioned toward the men’s room. “He’s a cutie if I do say so myself.”

I raised one eyebrow. “Thanks?”

“Do you actually like him? I saw you giving him a weird look when his hand brushed against yours. Were you trying to see what he was thinking? See that’s what sucks about action movies is that you can never hear your own thoughts let alone the ones of other,” Peyton rambled.

“You need to stop bringing up that I can read minds. I know I can but the rest of the world doesn’t and I would prefer if it stayed that way!”

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