Chapter 5

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Inside the realm Day 3

Vivian's p.o.v.

"Lily!" Emma yelled and gave her a hug.

"Hey everyone. All of your friends are worried about you." Lily says.

"Do you know why we are here? Do they know?" I asked.

"Yes. They were worried because they haven't seen you guys and they came to me and we figured it out together. Mac seemed to be the most worried."

I smiled and looked at the ground blushing.

"How much longer do we have to stay here?" Andi asked.

"I actually came to tell you all you can leave."

"Leave? It's still not safe." Jake said.

"They are safe. Ursula knows where Liana is and she won't hurt them right now. They are safe for a while. Only thing is, since she is after Emma she can still strike at anytime so Emma shouldn't be left alone." Lily says.

Everyone nods and leaves the realm, entering the school. I check my phone and read all of my missed messages from the past three days. Messages from Mac and my mom really.

We got to school at the beginning of lunch time so we all went to the cafeteria, and we're the first ones there.

"I'm actually really glad to be out of the realm, it was really boring there." Jax said.

"Well I've missed my boyfriend." I say.

"You guys haven't even been dating for that long." Jax laughed.

"So what Jax? Maybe she's in love with him. You and I both know we were both in love with each other when we first met, even if we weren't together." Emma said.

"Yeah Jax. You two didn't even start dating until the day me and Mac started dating." I said.

"Technically. But we still flirted a lot even when she had another boyfriend. We were practically dating it just wasn't official." Jax argued and we all laughed.

People start entering the cafeteria and I soon see Mac walking in with Diego and the panthers. But I don't think any of them saw us yet.

"Mac!" I said and ran in his arms. He picks me up in a hug and spins me. "I've missed you."

He puts me down. "I've missed you too." He said and we kissed.

We looked around to see if there was an open table to sit at but there wasn't so we decided to walk around the school instead.

"I know what's going on. Why didn't you tell me?" Mac asked as we started to hold hands.

"I didn't even know until right before we went to the realm. And by then I had no cell service." I told him.

"I was so worried I was about to cry."

I laughed and started swinging our hands. "I know, Lily told me. I kinda blushed at how worried you were."

He stopped walking and tugged my arm for me to stop to. "Vivian I know we just started dating and this might be too early to say, and I don't know if you feel the same way but..."

"But......." We now hand both of our hands locked together with one another.

"But I love you. I'm in love with you. I knew about ever since I first laid eyes on you. I love you Vivian."

I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "I love you too Mac." I said letting go of him.

"I know you are in trouble just like Emma, and I will do whatever I need to just to make sure you are okay and safe. Because I don't know what I would do without you."

I kiss his cheek then hold hands and start walking again.

"I'm thinking about asking Emma if I can be a guardian in training, along with Andi." He said.

"You can't though. You'll be leaving me. You can't leave me." I say.

"We can visit each other a lot. And think about it, when my training is over I'll be able to be your guardian." He told me.

I laugh. "I don't need a guardian. I'm my own guardian."

"Viv." He pouts a little.

"What??" I moan.

"Wouldn't it be fun to have me as your guardian?" He asked.

"I don't want a guardian."

"Well think about it. Please."

"Fineeeee." I half smile.

"You are so beautiful."

I look down at the ground and blush. "You are even cuter when you blush." He says.

I blush even more. "Stoooooop."

"Your face is really red."

"I know. Because of you." I nudge him a little and he laughs.

The bell rings for us to go to class and everyone leaves the hallway. "I'll walk you to class?"

I nod and just as we start walking walking to my class Liana pops up right in front of us.

"Liana what are you doing here?" I say.

"No hey Liana, how have you been? Haven't seen you in a while. Nothing? I am one of your best friend's mother after all." She says.

"Yeah you're my best friend's mother. But you are also after one of my other best friends, not okay." I say.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't check int to make sure it was okay with you." She laughs. "And who is this handsome young man? Your boyfriend?"

"Does it matter?"

"Not really. Either way he might get hurt."

"Leave him alone I step forward."

"No need to get angry, as long as you both do as I say you won't get hurt." She smiles.

"If you want us to help you take down Emma or Jax it's a no. I don't care what you do to me. I will fight you until my very last breath before I let you hurt Emma." I say.

"Awwww aren't you just a protective friend." She fake pouts. "But maybe if I just destroy you right now you won't get in my way."

Mac steps in front of me trying to protect me. "If you want to get to her you have to get through me first."

"Oh that's easy." She uses her powers and slams him against the locker.

"Mac!" I run over to him. Then I look up at Liana. I stand up and start to cast a spell and she does the same. We battle to see who's the stronger witch and wait for the other to give up. Liana gets struck with my spell and disappears.

I kneel back down to Mac. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." He struggles to get up but falls back down.

I stand up and hold out my hand to pull him up. He stands all the way up and smiles. "I'm proud of you. You proved to her that you're the stronger witch, by yourself."

"Do you want me to take you to nurse lily?" I asked.

"Yeah I think I just need to lay down for a bit." He says as we carefully walk to Lily's office.

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