P2: Chapter 5

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Agamemnon's Office:

"Vivian I was told you didn't do you job yesterday?" Aggie said.

"What are your talking about? I helped every group." I said.

"So even Ruby's group?" He asked.

"Okay I tried to help her group. She said she didn't need help and she practically kicked me out the room." I explained.

"Cameron go find Ruby and bring her here." Aggie told Cameron.

"Uhh y-yeah okay." Cameron said nervous and left.

"You should watch out for him and Ruby. He likes her." I told Aggie.

"You like Mac, so I should watch out for you and him too?" He asked.

"No what I mean is he likes Ruby but she doesn't like him. And trust me, I know Ruby. She will take advantage of him to get to the top of the boards." I explained.

"How do I know you won't cheat for Mac? Or Andi? Or Luke?" He asked.

"Because you know me. You know I'm a honest and fair person. I won't help my friends cheat. I'll probably give them some extra pointers or more help but I won't help cheat." I said.

"Mm. Well thanks for the heads up." Aggie said.

Luke's p.o.v.

"Luke you can do this. Just go ask her already." Gracie said.

"Yeah. Don't tell me you're afraid of a girl." Sean said.

I got up slowly and walked over to Andi. "Hey Andi."

"Oh hey preppy." She said and gave a half smile.

I took a deep breath, "okay so um, I like you. And I was sort of wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"

Andi laughed, "your joking right?!"

"Uhh yeah. I guess." I said walking away.

Vivian's p.o.v.

I saw Andi and Luke talking then Andi just started laughing really hard out of nowhere. Now Luke is walking away looking sad.

I run down the stairs and over to Andi, "what was that?"

"Oh he just asked me out and I thought it was funny. It was a joke though." Andi said.

"Andi it's not a joke. He really likes you." I said.

"He said it was." She told me.

"Because you just laughed in his face." I responded.

"I don't like him like that." she said.

"Yes you do, I can tell." I said, "you can hide your feelings as long as you want but don't hurt him. He's like a brother to me and I do not want to see him hurt." After I said that I ran to catch up to Luke.

"Hey buddy I saw what happened." I said to Luke.

"It's fine, she doesn't like me." He said.

"Luke, yes she does. I've known her a while, she just doesn't know how to express her feelings and she can't tell if someone likes her or not." I said.

"You saw her, she just laughed in my face. I know what that means." He told me.

"Trust me. Just keep trying. She likes you Luke, it'll just take her some time." I told him.

He looked at me, "fine. But I really do like her. If she does just need time, then I'm willing to give her that."

"Now I know I'm right, but if I am wrong and Andi doesn't like you, then she doesn't know what she's missing out on." I said.

"Thanks." He smiled, "I really missed hanging out with you."

"I really missed you too old friend." I said. There was a small pause, "I'm gonna go find Mac."

"Bye" he said.

"See you." I said walking away.

I walk up the stairs and to the boys dorm section. I knock on the door waiting for an answer.

"Oh hey viv." Mac said letting me in his room.

"Hm, shirt off, pajamas on, did you just wake up?" I asked.

"Maybe." He said.

I sat on his bed next to him, "babe it's 10:30. We are supposed to be up at 8."

"Maybe you should come by every morning and wake me up on time then." He joked.

"Well I would but I don't have the time. Every morning Steff and I have to be at Aggie's office." I said.

"Ugh so Aggie is working you hard huh?" He asked.

"Barely. But the way Ruby is acting towards me is going to get both me and her in trouble." I said. "Anyway shouldn't you be working with your group?"

"We are practicing in here today so they should be here soon." He said. "Shouldn't you be helping the other groups in the training room?"

"No Agamemnon changed the plans. I'm in the room with you guys the first day, then for the rest of the week I'm free to pop in and out of anyone's group. Or if anyone needs pointers they can talk to me and I'll help out."

"Oh so he just made it a lot more simply for you." He laughed.

"Shut up." I slightly pushed him, "and shouldn't you probably get dressed if your wits are coming here any minute."

"Ugh I really don't want to." He groaned.

I kissed his cheek, "Mac as fun as it would be to just lay in your room all day and sleep you just can't. and you signed up for this. I told you I didn't want you to go because I would've miss you too much, but you can here to be a guardian for me and you have to work for it."

"I know I know. And I will be your guardian. I promise you that." He said.

"Good. Because if I had to have a guardian, the only person I would want to be my guardian is you. So work hard for it." I said.

"I will. But it's like the 3rd day here. Nothing matters right now." He said.

"Mac, Every. Day. Matters." I told him.

"Okay fine. I'll start working hard. For your." He smiles and kissed me.

"Thank you." I smiled and kissed him back.

I stood up, "we'll have fun with your wits. I am going to find something else to do. See you later."

"Bye." He whispered as I left his room.

***sorry this one isn't as good; the next one will be better***

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