P2: Chapter 3

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Vivian's p.o.v.

"Viv you can't go. I mean I love being with Jax but I can't be with him all the time." Emma told me.

"Ohh you'll be fine." I said hugging her.

"Finally you're leaving." Jax laughed.

"Don't think this is the last you'll see of me. I can pop in and out of this place as I please." I told him. "And you better be good to her."

He hugged me, "I know, and I won't do anything to hurt her."

"Oh yeah and Jessie told me to give you guys these." I said. "Jax this is for you and your dad and Emma this is for you."

"Viv, how is she? Is she doing good?" He asked.

"Yeah she's great. She was pretty happy to me. And I actually think Andi is her guardian.

"Ugh I miss Andi." Emma said.

"She misses you too." I told her. "Actually I know someone there who has a crush on her. And I think she has a crush on him too."

"Awe really?" Emma laughed.

Jax smiled and rolled his eyes, "what about Mac he doing okay?"

"Yeah he's good. I missed him, it was nice to see him." I said.

"Well you can get use to it again, because you will see him everyday." Emma said.

"You better treat him right." Jax said, "I don't want my boy getting hurt."

I looked at the clock on the school wall, "I should get going guys. Assignments start tomorrow and I need to get settled."

They both nodded and gave me one last hug. "Bye." We all said at the same time and I walked into the realm.

As soon as I got to the academy's walked up the stairs and found my way to the room number Mac texted to me and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard him yell.

"Hey Mac, hey Luke." I said setting my backpack on the ground and sat next to Mac on his bed. "What you two talking about?"

"Well. Since he's been here we've basically been talking about you nonstop." Luke told me.

I look at him then at Mac, "good things?" I asked them.

"Yeah yeah. We've just been talking more about how you two are childhood friends and how I'm your first boyfriend because you never looked at most guys in the way." Mac said.

"Luke you told him?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean he deserves to know." He said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mac asked.

"Are you mad about it? Does it really matter if you're my first boyfriend or not?" I asked looking Mac straight in the face.

"No. You just should've told me." He said looking back at me.

"I just don't see what the big deal is." I said to him.

"Whatever. I need to get settled, and I'm tired so I'm going to my room." I grabbed my bag and walked out of their room, made my way to the girls' dorms section, and walked through the door of my room.

"Hey Steff."

"Hey girl. What's up?"

"Mac is overreacting." I said.

She laughed, "about what?"

"Him being my first boyfriend." I told her.

"Ohh you told him?" She asked.

"Luke did."

She shook her head, "well I agree he is overreacting, and if he really is mad then he should be over it by tomorrow. Don't even sweat it."

"I guess." I said to her. "But enough about me. You find any guys you like?"

"Hmm not really. All the guys here are lame." She told me.

"Lame? Their wizards." I told her. "They may not have powers but just being one is cool."

"Whatever." She said, "so why don't you go to the high school? With all of the other witches and wizards with powers?"

"Because I don't need to be there. I went there as a freshman. I hated the school and most of the people so my parents let me drop out." I said.

"And that's when you got my uncle to be your private teacher?" She asked.

"Yeah. My parent didn't think I could handle my powers on my own so they asked him. That's why I'm a pretty good witch now and why I'm like his favorite."

"Why did you leave?" She asked me.

"Why'd I leave the realm?" I asked and she nodded. "My mom hated it in here. Then a while ago I met Emma and Jax at boot camp and when they met my mom they told her they were from Miami and my mom thought it'd be fun to move there."

"You never told me why you got sent to boot camp either." She said.

"Oh because Desdemona hates me. And when you are in the council you can basically do whatever you want." I said and looked at the time on my phone. "Well it's getting late. We should get some sleep"

She nodded and we turned the lights off then fell right to sleep.

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