P2: Chapter 2

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Vivian's p.o.v.

Agamemnon told me he wanted to meet with me, so I was inside the realm, entering the doors of the academy.

"Vivian?!" I heard someone yell. I turn and see Andi running towards me and hugging me. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, uh Aggie wanted to see me? So here I am." I said.

"How long are you staying? Mac will be so psyched to see you." She said.

"A few hours I guess. After I meet with Aggie I could hangout with you guys if you can." I said. "Where's his office?"

"I'll walk you there," she said as we walked up the stairs, "so Mac said his roommate, Luke I think his name was, knows you."

"Oh yeah I know him. We were best friends before I moved to the mortal world. We still keep in touch, but I didn't know he was training to be a guardian." I said.

"Well yeah, he is. And he's training to be the guardian of the chosen one. & did you know he is Lily's nephew?" She asked.

"Actually yeah, I did. And I've known Lily long before I left the realm. We just never thought it was important to bring it up." I told her.

"Viv he can't be Emma's guardian. I'm supposed to be her guardian!" She said worried.

We stopped in front of his office, "Andi I've known Luke like my life. He's a great guy. It doesn't matter if you are her guardian or if he is. She will be in good hands either way. Just play the game, and fight for the top of the board."

I walked in the office and saw Agamemnon, this guy, and another girl sitting at the desk.

"Uh hey Agamemnon?" I said walking down the stairs, "you called for me?"

The girl turned and looked at me and I recognized her face immediately.

"Steff?" I asked.

"Vivian" she stood up quick and hugged me.

Steff is another one of my friends from the realm. Even though she's a human she was related to Agamemnon by his step brother, Steff's dad and he is also a human.

"Okay reunion time is over" Aggie said. "Vivian, I wanted you here today to talk to you about an opening here."

I was confused so he continued, "I want you to be a teacher here, sort of. The wits are young, they don't know how to do things the right way. For every assignment I would like you to show them how to do the spell, and they will learn how to do them. I just want you to demonstrate everything."

"I would Aggie, but where would I stay? And I can't leave my family and friends in the mortal world." I said.

"You would be roommates with Steff, and you will be able to come and go as you please, you really just need to be here for assignments, so not 24/7." He told me, "and I know you'd want to be here more than there, it's just Emma and Jax to hangout with and I bet that gets exhausting."

I laughed, "Not true, but yeah, I'll do it." I said. "But I still have to pack and say bye to everyone."

"Yeah do whatever you need to, just be back by tomorrow morning, that is when the first assignment starts." He told me and I walked of of the office.

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