Chapter 8

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Vivian's p.o.v.

"Jax, this is your mom we are dealing with, you know here best. What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Actually Jessie knows her best. And I honestly don't know, no matter what she is still my mom." Jax said.

"I know. I know." I say. "That's why I'm leaving it up to you. And Jessie if she wants, to make up the plan. We won't do anything to her you don't want us to."

"Did you talk to everyone else about this or are you just calling the shots?"

"Neither. But I do know they will agree. She's your mother, they wouldn't take her away from you." I tell him.

"Ok I'll talk to Jessie and we will think of something." He says. "So how are you and Mac?"

I laugh a little and roll my eyes, "well normally I wouldn't talk to anyone about my relationship but we are great."

"Great how?" Have you told each other you love each other yet?"

"That part you don't need to know. But uh, the other part, it's great because it just seems to good to be true. He's so amazing to me, and I do love him actually."

"Actually? Are you trying to get your point around." He asked laughing."

"Okay you know what. I came here to talk about a plan, not my love life. With that being said, I'm leaving."

"Viv? I was joking, it was a joke."he said still laughing.

"Yeah that's great." I said, "but I'm not leaving because you were trying to be funny. I'm leaving because I have plans."

I was walking away when he said, "with your boyfriend? Have fun."

"Yeah your dm defiantly gonna pay. See you tomorrow." I say and walk out the door.

10 minutes later, at Mac's house

"Hey Mac, your door was open so I just walked - in" I stop and see everyone sitting around Mac's living room. "Um, what's going on?"

"Nothing. Where's Jax?" Emma asked.

"His house." I say. "Wait a minute. My birthday is coming up, you guys are having meeting that you won't tell me about, and I think Jax was playing along to distract me. Are you guys throwing me a surprise birthday party?" I say.

"You have a birthday coming up?" Diego asked.

"Yeah, that's what this is, planning for a party."

"We didn't know you were having a birthday. We were just here to talk about Liana, and how to get back." Maddie said.

"Yeah, whatever. Mac just come to my house when this is over." I say and started walking towards the door. "Wait- why is Gigi here? She's never with us for this kind of stuff."

"I followed Diego here and now I won't leave." She said.

I slightly nod and walk out the door.

I drive home and when I walk inside I see Liana sitting on my couch. "Okay what the hell are you doing here?, how the hell did you get in here?, and why the hell are you here?"

"Hi sweetheart," my mom said walking in the living room with two cups of tea.

"Mom? What is she doing here?" I asked with a attitude.

"This is Jax's mother." She says.

"I know who she is mom, and she shouldn't be here."

"Don't be silly. She says, "oh I forgot the cookies." She walk back to the kitchen.

"Give me what I want or I will hurt the people you care about, starting with your family, since they are the only ones not trying to hunt me." She says.

My mom walks back in the room with cookies, "okay here we go."

"Mom she has to go."

"Viv, why are you acting like this?" She asked confused.

"You remember how I told you me and my friends, included her children, had to hide in the realm for a few days?" I asked as she nodded, "she is the one we were hiding from. Get away from her."

"Oh Vivian, I hate to have to do this," she casts a spell to make my mom pass out.

"Wake her up!" I yell and step closer.

"Not until after I get what I want, until then she's staying with me." She smile as she picked my mom up and flashed out.

I run upstairs to my room and start crying. I take out my phone and call Jax, "hey Jax, I know I said you get to choose what happens to your mom because it's personal for you and Jessie, but it's personal to me to. She took my mother and when I defeat her, she will be sorry she ever messed with me." I hung up the phone without letting him answer me.

"Hey Viv, no one answer the door and- hey what's wrong?" Mac sat next to me on my bed and hugged me.

"Liana wants war, I'll give her war." I say.

"What did she do this time?" He asked.

"She took the one woman that means more to me than anyone else in world, my mother, and she is really going to pay." I said throwing one of my darts to the dartboard with Liana's face on it.

He hugs me tighter and I just cry into his shoulder.

The whole group comes running into my room except Gigi, thank god, "Vivian I know you want you mother back but you can't do anything to my mother to get her." Jax says.

"Jax I wasn't asking for your permission, I was just letting you know." I tell him.

"You can't do anything to my mom." He argued.

"Look. This is our fight, we agreed to take her down, my family shouldn't be involved in this. She will go after my dad next and my brother, and sister."

"You don't know that for sure." He said.

"She told me she was going to take everyone in my life that I care about, she already took my mom, now she is going for the rest of my family, and after them, probably Mac." I say worried.

"Vivian I know her, she wouldn't do that." Jessie said.

"No Jessie, you know the good girl Liana, the 'non witch', we are dealing with the evil witch who won't stop until she gets what she wants."

"Do you even know what she wants for sure?" Diego asked.

"Well Jax and his Dad said she wants our powers, so obviously to take over the realm." I say.

"We know that, but do you think that's all she really wants?" He asked.

"I don't know. What I do know is that she told me to give her what she wants or she will hurt everyone I care about. And she is starting with my family."

"I know you want your mom back, and you want to protect them, but I promise your family will be fine, she won't do anything to your mom or them." Jax said.

"Fine, I'll believe you. But if she does anything to them, she won't be the only I hurt." I say and they all stare at me.

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