P2: Chapter 1

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Andi's p.o.v.

I was walking to Agamemnon's office and this girl not much older than me was standing outside his office.

"Hi I'm Steff, I'm Agamemnon's assistant. But I'm don't have powers and I'm not a witch." She sounded really perky.

"How did he let a human be his assistant?" I asked her.

"Just like how he let two human's be guardians in training." She said, "you're Andi Cruz right? A human."

"Um yeah." I said.

"Right on time. Your wits should be inside with Agamemnon waiting on you." She told me.

I nod and open the door to his office, "hey Aggie, how's it goin?"

"Hello Miss Cruz. These two are your wits, Ben and-" he said.

"Jessie?!" I finished for him.

"Great, Andi." Jessie crossed her arms.

"You three leave and get to know one another, I have my last appointment with another human. He should be here any minute." He said.

Me and my wits turn around to leave and we see Mac walk in.

"Oh hey Mac, when you leave here wanna meet me in the cafeteria and hangout?" I asked.

He nodded and walked down the steps as me and my wits walked out the office.

"Was that's your boyfriend?" Ben asked laughing.

Before I could say anything nice Jessie answered his question, "no. He's dating the chosen one's best friend. Andi is dating no one."

"Uhh Jessie, I can speak for myself." We walked down the stairs and into the cafeteria. A little while later Mac and his wits walked in, he introduced them, their names were Haley and Noah.

The four of them walked in separate ways away from us as Mac sat down. "So how's your first day going? Your roommate nice?" He asked.

"Yeah she's nice. I like her anyway, I think we will be pretty great friends, we are sorta into the same things. Her names Kim. What about you?" I said.

"Yeah he's cool. His name is Luke. But there is sort of one problem with him." He told me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"He wants to be Emma's guardian, apparently it's a family tradition to be the chosen one's guardian. And his aunt is Lily." He said.

"I can't believe it." I said a little disappointed.

"And another thing, I guess him and Viv were friends before she moved out the realm. They know each other pretty well." He says. Mac turns his head seeing someone walking towards us, "speaking of."

"Hey Mac!" Luke said walking us to us.

"Hey Luke. This is Andi, the girl I told you about. And Andi, Mac." He said I introducing us.

I stared at Mac. He was sort of good looking. He had blonde hair, grayish blue eyes, and dressed a little preppy looking.

"Uh Andi?" He asked confused.

I snapped out my thoughts and smile, "um yeah?"

"I said it was nice to meet you, Mac told me about you." He said.

"You too." I said to him, "he actually just told me you were also trying to be the chosen one's guardian, but just to let you know, I'm winning this thing."

"Ohh I guess this means war." He smiled at me.

"Guess so," I stood up to walk out the cafeteria, "good luck."

"Ouch. Feisty." He heard him say to Mac.

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