Chapter 9

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Mac's p.o.v.

"You doing alright?" I asked Vivian.

"No I'm not. My mom is gone and I don't know when she will be back."

"Babe it's only been a day."

"I know, but I haven't even told my brother and sister about it. My dad is the only in this house that knows and what is going to happen then?"

"Leave my dad alone!" A little girl yelled.

Mac and I run to the living room where the yelling came from. "Liana go away, leave my family alone."

She flashes out with my dad, leaving my little siblings and me, without parents.

"Vivian where did that mean lady take our mommy and daddy?" My sister asked me.

I start crying, "okay um, guys. Do you remember how mommy and daddy and me told you two about witches and wizards and kanays?"

"Yes. They said you are a witch and mommy is a witch and daddy is a wizard and that we will be just like you guys when we are your age." my brother said, "why are you crying."

"Mommy and daddy were taken by a very mean witch. My friends and I, we are trying to uh, to stop her. But she got mad at me so she started taking away what I care about."

"Do you care about us?" My sister asked.

"Of course I care about you both."

"So is she coming after us?" He asked looking down.

I look over at Mac then back at them, "yeah, she might be."

They look really worried and I start bawling. I wipe my eyes, "okay now we have to go. I am taking you both to safety so she doesn't get a hold you you two either."

"Are you staying with us?" She asked.

"No sis, I'm not. You two are going to stay with some very nice witches in the witches realm while I stop a a very bad witch. Okay?"

"Okay." They both say at the same time.

"Good, lets go. Grab onto me and don't let go." They do as I say and I take Mac's hand.

I flash us in front of the lockers at school and open the lockers, "come on you too. And you too Mac."

We walk to the council's office to talk to them about letting them stay.

"Vivian, we need a reason on why they need to stay here." Agamemnon  said.

I look at Lily then at Mac and then at my brother and sister. "Okay we wanted to do this on our own but it's Liana. She's after me and all of my friends."

"So what does this have to do with them?" Desdemona asked.

"She feels like I'm the main problem so she is going after everyone I care about. She already had my mom and dad and she can't take them. They are to little and they shouldn't be going through this." I say freaked out.

"Vivian calm down. Everything will be okay, and yes they can stay here. How long did Liana say she will keep them?" Lily asked.

"Until I give her what she wants, or until I get out of her way. But that doesn't matter. She has my parents. She is not going to take them, and when she finds out I brought them here the next person she will go after will defiantly be Mac." I say.

"Okay they shouldn't here this, I will take them to where they are staying." Lily said.

I kneel down to them, "okay guys, this is Lily you two are going with her for right now okay? Don't worry, she is a nice witch and I promise mommy and daddy will be home soon, and so will you two." I hug them and let her take them.

"Agamemnon, Desdemona, do something. If she defeats us she will take over the realm and I may never see my parents again. She cannot win. Jax insisted him and Jessie chooses what happens to her, well I did at first but now she has my family and she will regret it." I tell them and walk out the door, and out the realm.

"Wow, smart, you bring them to the realm where I can't get to them." Liana said, "and your mom and dad seem to think it was a good idea when we watched the whole show at my hideout."

"Bring my family back to me!" I yell, crying.

"Oh no can do. And too bad, you took your brother and sister away, I guess I have to get ahold of your boyfriend sooner." She laughed.

"You know what? I get why you are taking my family. You lost yours, your kids wants to take you down and they aren't on your side, and your husband left you because you are a crazy bitch. So now you want me to feel the same way you felt."

"I didn't think I had to hurt them, but now I defiantly will." Liana said then flashed out.

I start bawling again and slide down the locker. Mac slides down next to me and hugs me, "baby it's going to be okay. I promise. I love you."

"No it won't! She has my parents and now she is going to take you!" I tell crying into his arms.

"Viv it will be okay, and she won't get me, I won't let her."

"Mac she will make you pass out and then take you. She did that to my mom and you saw her do that with my dad. She is going to catch you at surprise."

"Well I guess we just can't leave each other's sides." He smiles trying to joke around.

I chuckle a little. "I love you. You always know how to make me feel better."

He kisses me, "I love you too."

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