Chapter Two

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Chapter Two.

Maybe I'm Just Going Crazy

+ Ryker +

I looked straight at Danny, and I saw fear in his expression. Complete, and udder fear. He was staring straight at the girl, who was now standing over him, with clenched fists. She started to shake. "How could you?!" She yelled down at him. I watched a few nurses land around them, but I could still see the two of them. I inched closer, when my skin started crawling. "No.." I heard a mumble, from Danny's mouth. I watched the nurses scatter, back to where they were. "Danny..." The girl spoke again.. "Tell me." She muttered under her breath. I could feel her uneasy pain. Pain I couldn't understand. Danny only stood, shrugged and backed away running to one of the nurses.

The girl just stood frozen, still. "Danny. Please!" She yelled, when he had already started walking out, he looked at her one last time before leaving.

+ Danny +

I ran in, and plopped down on the couch, as happily as I could. Even though my smile was fading, I smiled as bright, and toothy as I could. Mr. Edgeman, the consoler in my ward, edged his way around to the front of the desk.

"Hello Daniel." 

"I told you. Call. Me. Danny." I felt my smile turn into a small grin. 

"Okay, forgot Danny. How are you, Danny?" He asked eyebrow raised. 

"I'm alright." 

"Alright enough to ask to leave? You think you're ready to go back home?" He asked, simply. 

"Yes, sir I do." I brightened my smile, and sat up straight.  

"Look..." He said, walking to his file cabinet. "We've been thinking and were iffy about you leaving just yet, we don't completely believe we've purged you yet. I want you to be completely clean before you leave. And I believe your quite there by now." 

"Then, am I straight to go?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"I say you are, Danny. But, the nurses, and others don't see change." I tried not to wince and, slam through the door. I simply sat tense. "But, sir, you are the one who sees it clearer than others. Can't you see I'm okay?"

"Yes, Danny, that's what I said, but you had a tough incident when you got here, how am I sure you're going to handle yourself, and not let it happen again?"

"You should just trust me..." I spueed.

"Isn't that what you told Carli?"

I felt my heart die a little, and my mind scream till no tomorrow, but I held myself together. I watched my soul fall apart, in this silly corpse shell. But, the only words I spoke were "I'm ready. Trust me." I said, looking down at my lap.

"I do. I'll sign the papers, and let you go." That one sentence released my caged feelings, and I felt warm on the inside. And, smiled bright. I stood and, shook Mr. Edgeman's hand, and ran to the nurse. She escorted me to my ward, and let me pack my things. All I could do was smile.

+ Ryker +

I loosened my grip, and released my tense.  And, firmly twisted the knob, when I saw Danny standing there, outside of the gate. Getting in to a black car. I quickly ran up to the gate, not noticing I left the outside door open. The nurses yelled, but I just stood still. I watched as the car drove away. And, it broke my heart. Sure, I didn't know who or what he was, but I just couldnt help but, think I'll miss him... What am I saying? Holy crap. This isn't me.

I sat against the gate, and began to wait. Wait for myself to hurry back. When, I realized, my meds were wearing off...

Sorry, Readers, for the short chapter, I'm saving some goodies for the next one, so wait and see! Thanks for reading, lovelies. <3 -Lullaby-  Vote/Comment/Add+

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