Chapter Four

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Chapter Four. 

Your Going To Find Out... Sooner or, Later.

+ Ryker +

I watched Danny sit in the rolly-chair next to a desk. Then scoot towards me. He was wearing some black skinny jeans, and and a white small v neck T-shirt. With some black vans. And a white beanie. His lip ring was gone, and now he had a stud where it was. His hair was straightened, and styled perfectly. "Hey Ryker." He began.

"I'm the last visitor, so no need to worry." He smirked. I looked over to the window. It was pouring again. "You may wonder why I'm here. Well, I wanna be your friend. To be straight forward, I want to help you through this. Because I know help makes it easy. Life is hard to do alone..." He said, laying his hand on mine.

"Okay?" he asked, smiling.

"Okay..." I muttered. "But are you so sure? Are you sure you're going to be a friend? Even though I'm so screwed up?.." I asked, full confidence he'd say no.

"Yes... I'm very sure." I got wide eyed, and looked back at him.


"That doesn't matter, now. I only have a couple hours with you." he's got a couple hours with me, when my mother only had a few minutes. Huh...

"Okay..." I responded.

"What you want to know about me?" He asked. As if he read my mind.

"Why were you here? Why do you want to help me? How old are you? Do you know why I'm here? You'll probably be scared away.. When you find out." I declared, feeling like I had to to choke back some tears.

"Okay.. I had my own issues, I want to help you because its better that way I said that, I'm Nineteen, Yes I do... You have a split personality. It doesn't change anything." He stated, looking down at the floor, rolling back and forward. I was surprised at it all. Nineteen, that's a lot older than seventeen. He isn't afraid? How does that not change anything.

He came close for a second, and whispered, "If you have questions, ask me not your conscience." then rolled back to where he originally was. Okay. He reads minds. Great..

"Yeah." He chuckled, "And the way you think is fascinating. You think I'm attractive." He started giggling recklessly.

"Now you know why I came here. Why don't you tell me your story, Danny. You 

can tap into my mind id like to do the same to you."

He growled, "I don't want to talk about it."

"We're friends aren't we?" I said, with a smirk.

He bit his lip, and swallowed shyness. I saw it. "Fine. I can read minds. Once some of the public found out, they freaked. And my father. He was thinking something about my mom one night. They were fighting all the time, and what he thought was morbid... He started pulling her, and touching her. She didn't like it. I hated him. I lost control. So I attacked him. Ripped him apart. Carli was there after it happened. And..." He paused, "It screwed her up mentally, watching me do that to my own father."

He choked back tears, even though one fell. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't tell me that. There's no need to be sorry. No need to be sorry for me." He looked at the window.

There was a long pause, then he said, "I don't regret killing my own dad. I regret hurting Carli and my mother in the process." He scoffed, looked down at the floor.

I didn't know what to say... "You don't have to say anything, it was my choice." He stated. "I can tell you're ready to change the subject, so let's do it. Where are you from? Got any history there?"

"Umm... I'm from Ireland. But I have no accent. My parents are only half Irish. They never spoke the way everyone else did. and I lived in America long enough after I moved, to talk the way everyone else did, if I had one."

I stopped for a second to let him take it in. "I was nine when I was put up for adoption. That was a year after Rems became more apparent. They couldn't take the responsibility, didn't tell my foster parents about my disorder, so they found out very soon. Much sooner than I had hoped for. I was adopted about eight times before I got to stick around with a family that could handle me."

"Must've been hard." he said.

"I can't lie, it was, I got diagnosed with depression. And, it took me a while to redeem myself. The depression threw Rems into a homicidal, suicidal state. That's why he's uncontrollable. That's why I'm so afraid of him. I wish it was my choice to just kill him. Killing him meant killing me. That used to be an option for the regular me. But, now its not even a thought. I couldn't do it to my family. I just wish I could be fixed." I said, sitting all the way up, and laying my elbows on a pillow resting soundlessly on my lap.

"Damn..." He said.

"Yeah... But, I'm not depressed anymore. Rems is. I'm not. I want him to go away. But I don't think he will. So I suffer through my days here till he's completely under control." I said, ending it there.

"So what did your split personality do to get you here?" He spoke.

"He uhh... Hunted down all the friends I had, and shot them." I felt some salty water pour from my left eye.

I wiped it away quick.  

"Well you can trust me with your story. I guess you wanna hear mine?"


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