Chapter Three

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Chapter Three.

Hes Back, And, I'm Dying...

+ Ryker +

I felt sting rise in my chest, and pain rise in my brain. When I noticed Rems beside me. "Hey silly billy." His voice was putrid and vile. Horrid. "Get away from me, Youre not welcome here..." I said, raising my knees, and bowing my head so no one noticed me talking to myself. "Aww, is little Ryker scared? Or, is he just a coward?" He asked, narrowing his voice on the word. I winced, and looked up at him. His hair was blonde, and black, and his eyes were brown. Thats the only thing we have in common; brown eyes. Everything else; were opposite, or not at all close to anything. He nudged me, and I ignored as much as I could.

"Why'd you come back?" I asked, in pure hatred. "I wanted to see you, and meet some of your new corpses." He growled, I creeped my eyes back up at him. "Rems, gtfo." I said calmly. He leaned in, and whispered clear as day. "No." He laughed an evil, dark laugh. "I'm going to kill them all before you have a chance, sweety." He smirked leaning forward. "Well that will be sort of hard, dumb ass." I rubbed my itchy left eye. "How so?" He cocked his head. "There are none."

"Awee, poor lonely Ryker. Can't seem, to make any friends." He made a pouty face which set me off. I screamed at him, "You! Dont! Know! I have no friends because, of you! You ruin me! You kill me! WHY WONT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!" I watched nurses get closer. But, not quite close enough to grab me, and strap me down.

"You already are alone, Ryker." He smirked, evilly, and watched me tear myself apart inside at his words.

"I'm not going anywhere..." He declared.


I watched the nurse come close enough for me to wrap my hands around her innocent throat. She chocked, and other nurses ripped me off of her. And, grabbed my arms and, legs, and threw me on a rolling bed. And, strapped my wrists and ankles down. I love being in my body again. Ryker didn't leave it in very good condition. So I'll fix that.

I heard the nurses mumble about my 'condition' which set me off.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I screamed at them, while I was rolled to the ward. 301. They looked down on me, then looked back at the direction they were in. I swear I was ready to shoot them. Kill them.

They quieted their whispers when a man with blonde hair, and hazel eyes walked over to all of us. It was a long pause when one of the nurses spoke up. "He's getting bad again..." She scoffed, and looked down on me. "Alright, ill take it from here." He grabbed the bed, as i squirmed. The belts around my wrists and ankles were feeling tighter as i did.

I fucking hate this life...

I watched as Ryker walked beside the bed, with his brown hair swooping to one side. I swear its an endless battle with this screw up. Im tired of him being able to control me. I want my life back. He looked down over me, and smirked. "You're very very stupid." He whispered. "Your going to get us both killed." He snapped, with a simple whisper. I smiled evilly up at him, "I don't care.". I watched him sigh, and walk up with the man.

It took a few moments before he ran back to me.


I'm tired of Rems. I have to figure out how to get him out of my life for good. So he stops killing. So perishes.

The doctor walked around the bed, and began "Ryker? You there?"

"Yeah, I'm here..." I said, with my eyes sealed shut. I didn't want too look at anything, or anyone. I was tired of looking, and feeling. Today, I just wish I could sleep.

"Good, you had a little mayhem happen today in the court. Was it Rems?" He asked calmly.

"Yes." I said simply.

"Did you meds wear off?"


"How long sense you took them?"

"A few hours..."

"Okay, higher dose?"

"No, just better medication. Maybe, just the one pill that controls Rems." I spoke, really exhausted.

"Okay, we'll try it, if you think that will work. I have some one here to see you, well many some ones. But, were sending in one at a time."

"Okay..." I don't want to see anyone. I don't wanna open my eyes.

I heard the door to the room I was in open, and heels clack on the floor. It was my adoption mother. Harley.

I felt her touch my hand lightly. "Ryker?" She asked, I opened my eyes slightly to let her know I was acknowledging her presence. "Yeah?"

"How are you?" She scoffed, and pulled her sleeves down over her hands. She was wearing a long sleeve tee, with a flowy skirt, and some heels. Blue, black, black.

"Fine." I noticed her back away a little.

"I love you, honey." She said, looking down at her shiny open toed heels. "I love you too.." I said, watching her. "I'll be coming back soon to pick you up, you know?" I sat up a bit. "I can't wait." I said. I've only been here three ish four days and, I already want to leave.

"I have to go" She whispered. "I'll be back" she continued. She walked up to me, and kissed me on the forehead.

She walked out of the room, and I thought who else could possibly come to see me when Danny walked in. Why would he come see me, especially the day he got free from this hell hole?...

Meeting Ryker / BoyxBoy / Extremely melodramaticWhere stories live. Discover now