Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Home Again, Runaway.

Ryker's POV.

"Guess I should go. My moms probably waiting up for me." He said.

"You sure you don't want to stay a little longer?" I said, smirking.

"Yeah, I just need to go." He said, getting up and walking over to me, and kissing my forehead. I don't know why he did that but, hell I blushed. He smiled down at me, "Ill be back. Don't worry." He rubbed his hands together, and started walking out.

I watched the rain fall a little bit before my doctor waltzed into the room. He lifted his list and, began. "I need to put you back in your room. And, next week were going to see if the meds are working. If so, were going to set you free early." He said, with a concerned smile.

I excitedly hopped off the bed and ran to him. He flinched at my hug. Guess he was scared id hurt him.

I let go, and watched a formally dressed woman walk into the room. "Hi Ryker, I'm Jane. I'll be your new personal nurse." She smiled, and reached out to me as if wanting to grab my hand in a hand shake. I only nodded in welcome. I don't see why I need a new one. The physiologist, medic, and pain helper are enough.

Danny's POV

"Mom!" I called, seeking her loveless voice once more. She wouldn't shout back, so I ran to the door and busted out. I looked down to her sitting in the lawn chair, rolling a half smoked cigarette in her vulnerable fingers. She lifted her chin, to stare up at my shaking body. I need to control my feelings. but right now, my angers pouring out of me.

"What the fuck, mom?!" I screamed at her, which in return she winced. She could tell I was upset from the moment I walked outside.


"You know exactly what!"

"No.." She said rolling her soft blue eyes.

I sighed, and she let out a deep breath in anger. She knew smoking was the cause of my madness. She just didn't want to quit, even if she was torturing her son. She wanted to keep the addiction pure. And hostile. She looked up at me, and tilted her head. "Forget it... You're really letting yourself fall from reality, you're dying slowly." I said with a sigh.

"And you arent?" She said, steady. I gulped and looked up at the cloudy sky, who had stopped pouring when I left the hospital.

"Mom.," I began, refusing to look down at her. "I'm not killing myself. My body is. You're killing yourself. By choice." I turned around and began walking indoors when she stopped me. "Shut up. This is the only way I get out of my pain."

"Your thoughts say differently." I mumble softly. She knows she's killing herself, she's letting it happen. She could figure out a different way to get over her 'pain'. If she's even in any. I feel like the only reason she smokes, is because she wants to. She wants to hurt me. She wants to forget. When she she forgets, she doesn't cry anymore. But I'd rather her cry on a shoulder that's always been here, than take a drag on a cigarette.

"Let's not fight, okay?" She sniffled, "Im gonna get better."

"You always say that, and for some odd reason, I always believe you. I don't want to live my life, worrying about a mom who can't handle her own health, or better yet, herself." I stormed through the house to my car. I'm not willing to dealt with this shit anymore, especially the day I get back from the mental hospital. I need an escape. And I think know how I'm gonna get one.

Rykers POV.

"Dont do that!" She yelled as the second checker flew across the board. She's been playing this game for days, and everytime she's losing to her opponent she'll scream that they're cheating. She hates this game, because of her extreme OCD, but she plays, and makes it harder for herself. She's barley eleven, and she's torturing her own mind. It's sad. Her name is Embry. She's been here for months as the roomers say. She hasn't improved at all. She's only getting worse. As I watched her play the red and gray checkers, I noticed her coat. A shrub coat. Tattered and worn, but still fitted and as it looked, comfortable. It' had a brand name written on the side of it. A brand name of the looks of 'D.D Halos Inc.'. I never seen a brand around like that in the days I've been around. But for some reason, it caught my everlasting attention.

I lifted myself from the cafeteria seat, and dragged my grimy body over to her, and sat on the chair in the middle on the outside of the table. She noticed me but didnt acknowledge me. She was to focused on finally beating some one at this game. I watched her struggle, and gave her little hints here and there. She smiled in comfort at me, but didn't look at me. Once we were to the last spot of the game, I gave her her last hint. And she played her last move, and brightened her smile. "Thank you. Thank you so much!" She said throwing her scrawny arms around me. As she whispered, "I'm Embry, lets be friends." .

Hey reader! I hope you're liking the twists and turns so far, because there's a lot more where that came fromxD any-who ill have Dannys picture up soon, i have it, just gotta put it up, ill let you know when its out! vote/comment/add++ -Lullaby<3

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