Chapter Sixteen [Personality Switch.]

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Chapter Sixteen

The worst part of me.

Rykers POV.

I was yanked right out of the car, and the jolt made me weak. Weak enough to allow Rems back in.

Rems POV..

I grabbed the cops hand, and crashed his arm on my knee enough to hear a crack, and his whimpy scream. Another cop to my side held his weapon to my head, near my ear.

I still had the other cops hand in mine as he was on his knees shrieking in pain.

the cop spoke up over the shrieks, "Let go of his hand or so help me I w-"

"Shoot me?" I ended his sentence for him. "Do it, I'm tired of being so insane." I turned to face the pistol, and laid it between my brows. "Fire when you're ready." The plump police officer only stood and did nothing. After three long seconds of only screams in the background, I smiled my widest. "See... Even humans who are suppose to protect their own species from monsters like me, are too weak to pull the trigger."

With that, I let go, and instead grabbed the gun. And pointed it at the night sky. I fired three times, just enough to get peoples attention. And, sat back in the car, and locked the door.

Ryker was behind me, in the back seat. "Dont forget Danny... Please."

"Why? You don't care about him." I smiled, and slammed my foot down on the gas peddle.

Danny's POV.

I was awoken by a bright light above me, and a loud bang beside me. "Hey, it's no time for sleeping!" An investigator yelled. As he walked around the cold table, and sat right in front of me.

What the hell am I doing here?

"Where's Ryker?"

The investigator insisted.

"I'm not saying anything until I know your name." I said clenching my teeth a little. I hate people. Everyone other then Ryker.

The investigated leaned forward to where his chest was over the table, and his face in front of mine. I gulped. loud. "Ha, my name? I'm Smith." What a stereotypical investigator name. His thoughts are desperate and you can tell he's one of those ass holes who gets what he wants. Probably, an abusive husband.

"I don't know where Ryker is." I said simply. "Well, hell, of course you do. Aren't you two, homos?" offensive.

"You must of really dug deep into this case when I wasn't awake. You aren't getting anything out of me. Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you. Especially now." I leaned back in my chair, and crossed my arms over my chest. And, wiped my wavy hair out of my face.

A short tense, silence.

"How much did those lip studs cost?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Well, they look pretty damn expensive. And, hell, you'll be payin that and a thousand more bills for what Ryker did."

"You know he's got a mental health record? Ever take that into thought, or are you too concerned with the minor wounds the policemen got, compared to Rykers major inside wounds?"

The man stood.

"Now you listen here, prick. I know exactly what happened. I know what Ryker has going on. Mentality wise, sure, I should consider but, I'm not. You wanna know why?"

I said nothing.

"Why is because that young fellow is suppose to be in the mental hospital. But he broke out, how? Well, that was all you. We should be locking you up too. But, were just taking Ryker back to where he belongs. And, letting you go. I'd say that a great deal. Now." he paused, looking at his watch.

"Where is Ryker?"


Meeting Ryker / BoyxBoy / Extremely melodramaticWhere stories live. Discover now