Chapter nineteen.

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The pre-end.

Dannys thoughts +

We've wasted valuable time, our search is going no where. I have this pain in my chest that I'm losing Ryker. Damn, did this go down hill fast. I just wanted Ryker out of the shit hole they call a mental hospital. I could tell by his eyes that he'd been through enough, and the people who think they can fix him will only make it worse. I figured if he had fallen in love he'd have a chance of finding himself, and fixing himself on his own. Love can heal, time is a stand by, until love shows itself in my point of view.

The sad thing is, that no matter how intelligent someone may be, they'll never be quite smart enough to heal someone else. With words that is.

Most of us just need love, and maybe some hope too. That'd be something. Maybe even feeling like they're worth something to some else. It's different for everyone. But I can almost guarantee words won't do a thing.

We all live here and have to endure different pains under our skin, and breathe the same air, here on earth.

This worlds shit. This world won't ever compare to the better place. there must be a better place. I mean we all live to die. Hells on earth, isn't it? Heavens gotta exist somewhere. I doubt it doesn't. Even if "God" doesn't exist. Heavens got to. I fuckin know it.

My pain under my skin is sickness. A sickness that won't be healed, and no matter the strength I have inside I can't heal it on my own. No one can. I'll die sometime, but I wanted a memory before I left. I wanted the love I never had. I wanted Ryker. Good memories, nice moments to take with me before the ground under me sinks six feet down, and I lay my head to rest.

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