Chapter 11 - Party Hard

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Elsa POV

It's official, I regret everything.

I'm absolutely positive that this is worse than the being chosen in hunger games.

This game was to prove to Jack that he can't just treat girls like useless dolls, like they don't have feelings. Well let's just say, I didn't have sign up for new clothes and make-up. I didn't expect this to be self-torture.

Why, why didn't think this thing through? I just happen to get this idea through a stupid book and BAM my life is ruined forever. I'm in a crop top, like what even is this? Is this a shirt? A bra? I'm wearing also wearing a skirt...a skirt, and after Astrid and Mavis did my make-up, I feel like my face has been finger painted on. Not such a great feeling, to be honest. Now we're all driving to a party, one of my absolute worst fears because I'm expected to socialize. Especially. With. Boys.

What did I get myself into?

With my arms already crossed, I look at Pitch who's driving the car," Turn this car around."

" Aw, lighten up Els, It ain't that bad." Anna said.

Mavis sighed, "Just for this night, and we promise this will probably never happen again."

"oh, joy" I murmured under my breath.

"But why do I have to go?" Peter squeezed himself into the conversation, " I don't want to see my evil twin."

"Moral support. " Astrid answered, "You got to be watching Ice Queen, over here , make sure she doesn't get tangled in any bad situations. That goes for you too Pitch, I better not find you sulking in the corner or something."

Pitch rolled his eyes "got it".

"Hey! I could handle myself." I argued, " Astrid, out of everyone, you should know that."

"Then why do you think we're coming?" She pointed out.

I stared at the ground in defeat, she's right. I don't even remember the last time I've been to a party, and if they didn't come I'd be some awkward mess or I'd blow up again.

"Hey, why is she here?" Kristoff asked. All eyes turned to Anna. Let me mention, Kristoff has certain hate for 'populars'. Probably because he's the Ice Hockey team's ice boy *coughcough* slave*cough. Anna is considered a popular because she is part of the cheerleading squad. The dots are pretty simple to connect.

Anna's lips curved into a frown " I need a ride to the party, ice-boy."

Oh no, please don't start....

"Hey! I may be an ice-boy, but at least I didn't hook up with a guy I just met." Kristoff retorted, " and I don't remember Pitch's car had room for people like you."

"For your information, he was my first true love." Anna scoffed.

"Ha! In your dreams, Red."

"It was True Love!"

"And look where you are now." Kristoff rolled his eyes. I glanced at Anna's direction and she was about to burst.

"A bit too far Kristoff." Mavis kindly intervened, to extinguish the flames.

It wasn't that hard finding out which house is Hiccup's, probably because we could hear " Dance, Dance" by Fall Out Boy a mile away and the rainbow lights coming out the windows could blind us if we looked at it for too long. We knocked on the door and a tall guy about our age opened it, looking at us up and down.

"Sorry, guys wrong house." He said.

Astrid put her hands on her hips and said, "We're here for the party."

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