Chapter 5 - The Player

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Jack POV

I stare at her amused at how serious she is. I inwardly chuckle to myself and made my way down to lean against the desk beside her's. "So my dorky girlfriend, when will this thing start?"

She didn't acknowledge my presence and continued to stuff her nose in her book, "I decided that we'll begin on Monday."

"I'm curious. How'd you come up with this cute game of yours anyways?" I inquired as I rested my chin on my palm. I frowned as she continued to ignore me and decided to take the book out of her hands.

"H-hey!" She stuttered out as her hands from the loss of her item.

I read over the cover, 'How to Play the Player'. And all I could do was chuckle.

Who does this girl think she is? She thinks that she got what it takes to play me? I might as well get a medal for the amount of girls that fall for me on a daily basis. Flash a smile : down goes one girl. One wink : there goes five more. One compliment : whoops make that twenty.

I flipped to the page where, the girl stopped and started to mock the character's voices,"Katy hugged Brandy tighter, 'I like you, okay! Just please don't leave me!' pffft-" I bit my tongue and continued the next sentence, "Brandy pushed her away, 'You mean, you admit your loss? I already liked you before this whole stupid game started, this game was best thing that ever happened to me!'" I couldn't hold my laughter much longer and fell on the floor mimicking Katy's voice a couple more times until I broke into endless laughter again. "I can't take it!" I clutched my sides and felt a tear of joy at the corner of my eye. "It's the most corniest thing I've ever read!"

She ripped the book out of my hands.

Wow. Strong girl.

Or maybe I'm too weak?

"Surprised you were able to read." She mumbled softly, but loud enough for me to hear.

My laughter subsided.

But this girl, She's different. Not hard to tell that she's not interested, which is probably her advantage. Am I mad that she's not begging on the floor for my love and attention? No. You win some, you lose some. Every girl is different. This girl just so happens to have terrible taste.

If she's not interested, that's fine, don't care. Rather spend my time with someone who is.

But in this case, since the whole goal of this game is to make the other fall in love with you, it wouldn't be hard to crank up the charm a notch.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we've formally met. I wouldn't forget a pretty face like that."

Her glare grew stronger.

Okay, not the reaction I was hoping for but, I guess
This could be a good excuse to get her name. Because I forgot.

When she found her page, she closed the book, "We have met, dumbass. On Monday, I was the girl who asked who the hell were you. Which is why we're basically wasting our lives here."

I recalled the following events and remembered being late to class because I was caught up with a make-out session with a cute strawberry blonde, What's her name again? Eh, don't matter. But, when I strolled into class a familiar image nerdy glasses and icy eyes clicked in my mind. "Oh, I remember you! Asking me who the hell I was, that really hurt y'know? It hurt in the heart."

"Holy shit, you have a heart?" She said.

"Ouch." I said a bit hurt, "But, I know your name though." I said with the confidence I had left.

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