Chapter 18 - And Full of False Hope

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Elsa POV

Almost a week has passed, yet no progress.

It's the same every day.

First, Jack drives us to school every morning, so we wouldn't be spending more quality time in detention. We spend the day playing the game. He plays "Prince Charming" and I act like his little princess. It's all one stupid routine that made me realize this game requires more effort and energy than I thought.

Aren't relationships great?

Today's Friday. That makes this the fifth day. I should've have forgotten by now, but there hasn't been a passing moment where that boy hasn't been on my mind. And if your wondering, it hasn't been my "boyfriend".

Jack and I won't bring up what happened on Monday. We simply brushed it under the rug, like you do with the rest of your problems.

The talk about my orange soda incident has died down, so that's great, and I haven't heard or seen Toothiana since then, which is a bonus.

I've also been getting along with Jack's friends. I've been trying to make up lost time with Hiccup, but it's been hard with Frost always on my back. I've learned that Rapunzel always comes up with these bizarre ideas like : How the school should enroll a Highschool musical club or how we should have certain drills just incase a zombie apocalypse happens. Eugene—or Flynn—always has a witty, smartass comment to share and Merida is always there to punch him for it. Hans, you can say, is the "Mom" of the group. Born leader, makes me wish I even bothered to vote for him for student body president.

And Jack Frost...

"Hey princess, you should stop daydreaming about me." A sly voice whispered next to me, "or else you won't be able to finish your food."

"I'll save it for my nightmares." I grunted before eating two lukewarm fries.

I started to catch up on the conversation.

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Flynn said. "Cabbage eating contests instead of hot dog eating contests?"

"To promote healthier eating!" Rapunzel said in disgust, "Do you know what hotdogs are made out of?"

"Well, let's hope not real dogs."

Jack pulled me aside again. "Hey what are doing after school?"

I started to feel a bit tense but I quickly answered, "I'm busy."

"Oh? Doing what?" He said interested.

"I have work at the library." I replied.

"Wow, you're such a nerd." I shot him a glare. "Hey, I'm kidding." He said as he childishly hooked his arm around my shoulder. "Can I come with?"

"Sorry, all children that enter must be supervised with an adult."

"Wouldn't that make you dating minor, you pedo." He danced around my reply easily, "I didn't know you were into that stuff Elsa, you sure are a real pervert."

"Coming from the real pervert." I scrunched up my disgusts

"It takes one to know one, pervert." He slid an arm over my shoulders and brought his lips to my ear, "So to one pervert to another, I'm sure you can tell me what you do at your job."

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