Chapter 16 - Popular

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"We'll postpone our game until later." Jack whispered into my ear before he made his way to his empty seat on the second row. I followed his lead and went to mine, but I wasn't in the most comfortable position. That's because of the millions of eyes following me and constant whispering between teenagers that filled the room. Some conversations that I picked up were:

"Hey who is she?"

"Has she always went here?"

"I think she was at that party last night, remember?"

"You think they're officially a couple?"

"Eh, I ship it."

The voice of Mrs. Hearts concluded everyone else's conversations. "Okay quiet down class, and pull out your textbooks and turn to page 120."


The rest of the day would've been better.

If it was Opposite Day.

I had only one class with Frost, but that didn't stop other self-centered jerks from checking me out.

I never liked being noticed. And it was routinely from me to just blend in with the crowd like everyone else. To me, invisible was nice.

Nothing new here. School was already a pain in the neck. But dealing with Jack was a pain...everywhere.

I walked over to my usual table with everyone already sitting in their usual places. It took only one stare from Astrid and she snorted, "Who the hell are you and what have you done to Elsa?"

"Ha ha. You're hilarious." I rolled my eyes.

"Snowbabe's back!" Peter exclaimed with a new signature nickname.

"Congrats on the marriage this morning, Mrs.Frost." Kristoff mused. "So, when's the honeymoon?"

"At detention, just so you know." Jack hooked me in closer to him, shooting the blonde a finger gun with a wink.

"What do you want?" Mavis asked.

"My wife of course." He simply said pulling me in closer to him. Peter's cheeks heated and Pitch, on the other hand, looked like he wanted to throw his plastic spork at Jack.

Before a possible dog fight could break out, I sighed, "Okay, fine." I waved my friends off politely, "See you guys later."

I followed wherever the crystal-haired boy was leading me. And it was to where I would never imagine ever sitting in: The Popular Table

The usual other five were sitting there and there was conveniently two empty spots reserved for us. I sat down right next to Rapunzel and Jack offered, "Hey, I'm gonna buy us lunch, my treat okay?" He asked, "What do you want?"

"Any sandwich would be fine, thanks."

"Coming right up, snow angel."

"And hey, while your at it, buy me one too." Flynn included his order.

Jack's face fell, "Buy your own damn sandwich."

"But I'm broke." Flynn whimpered.

"Not my problem." Jack disclosed then heading for the lunch line.

A tap landed on my shoulder, "Hey, Elsie did you know the whole school is totally talking about you and Jack!" Rapunzel's grin glimmered excitedly. Pulling out her phone from her pocket and showing off different people on social media commenting on pictures of Me and Jack, which I found extremely creepy. "The People want to know who Elsa Arendelle is!" She emphasized enthusiastically jumping from that seat, "You, that's YOU!"

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