Chapter 1 - You're Late

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Elsa POV

The last day of Winter Break.

It's a shame. Winter is my favorite time of the year. Instead of dry leaves, blooming flowers, and sunshine, we got sweaters, gray skies, and snowmen. The chills of the cold weather seemed natural to me. While others cursed the biting air, I welcomed it. While everyone dressed from head-to-toe, I would gladly strip down to my tank top, basking in the snowflakes. Not even thinking about the high chance of getting hypothermia or frostbite.

I truly felt at home.

During this time of year, it's the time for feasts, presents, celebrations! But if you had to ask what I did these past two weeks.

I did nothing.

Nothing productive or anything that your classmates would be interested in hearing when you came back.

To put into words, I'm not that kind of person where people are rushing to be friends with. Just like the weather, I was cold. And just as the sky, my life was gray. Putting the blame on my recluse behavior. It was simply the way I am, or the way that I now am.

'Why can't it be winter all year round?' I held the thought on top of my head, watching the snowflakes fall gracefully from my balcony. It'll probably be the last time I could enjoy the snowfall before school starts. In the back of my mind, I'm actually considering sleeping outside to catch a cold or some sort of sickness that would give me an excuse to skip tomorrow.

"Elsa?" A voice from behind asked.

"Yeah Olaf?" I responded unenthusiastically towards the twelve year old.

Pale arms latched onto my waist as his head of bleach-blonde hair buried at the side of my chest, like a kid that found his mom. At heart I felt I've been the only one close to a mother to him than anything since we moved in. He looked up at me which a huge childish smile, an infectious smile that it is. In return my lips curved upward.

"Do you plan to go to school tomorrow?" He looked up to me with curious charcoal eyes. As if he was reading my mind, he said "Are you gonna ditch?"

I gave of a shrug of discomfort, "Well I have to if I want another lecture from Uncle Marshmallow." I countered, replaying the possible outcomes if I did so not show up to school. "I swear, more strain in his voice and he might end up losing his it again." A sudden realization came to mind, "What time is it?"

"Hmmm..." Olaf hummed placing a thoughtful finger on his chin and then responded with nonchalance, "about two in the morning."

I slanted my eyebrows together and scolded him, "Why aren't you in bed?"

My blonde cousin was unwavered at the sudden strict attitude given to him, since he was used to it. "I ain't going no where until you go to bed." He decided.

"Olaf..." I warned in a hushed voice.

He pouted and plopped on the floor and clung one of my legs.

"Olaf go to bed." I ordered.








"Fine!" I  flailed my arms in defeat and frustration. "I'll go to bed." Crouching my knees until I was the same height to see him eye-to-eye, "Now go to your room, little man."

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