Chapter 19 - Blue Roses

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Elsa POV

"—as we describe this basic structure of the formula. We can use this to figure out the functions, review the properties of quadratic functions, and introduce the notion—" Blah, blah, blah, blah....


The only class that'll make you reconsider dropping out to take on a job as a Swedish fisherman. What's the point? It's not like calculus will swoop down out of nowhere to pay your taxes or carry you out of a burning building to save the day.

Yet, here I am, I'm taking this class to 1) graduate and 2) get out of here.

We had a good whopping forty minutes of class left and you can bet that I had my full attention on something that will give me endless information and entertainment. My phone. I just did my usual mindless scroll on whatever mindless social media outlet until I get a text from my fake boyfriend.

Jack : Hey, princess you bored?

I rolled my eyes and texted back a reply.

Elsa : No, I'm having a blast

I lifted my eyes towards the huge white board my teacher, Mr. Maurice, was babbling right trying to decode what we were learning. After a few seconds of drawing a blank at the pool of letters and numbers scattered across the board, I gave up and considered that texting would be better.

Jack : What class are you in?

Elsa : Calculus

Jack : with who?

Elsa : Mr. Maurice

Jack : ooh the beauty bookworm's father

Elsa : Yeah, why?

Jack : That's cool.

Jack : wait, hold on just for a sec.

I didn't really think of much of what we were talking about. So, I put my attention to my notes filled with chicken scratch and snowflake doodles and wrote whatever Mr. Maurice said would be on our next test that I'll probably not bother to study for.

I looked back down on my phone.

Jack : I'm coming to get you.

What does this Frostidiot plan on doing now?

Elsa : What do you mean?

I waited for a few minutes and he didn't text back. I didn't know why but I felt a pit of dread reside in my stomach and felt my palms swelter. I texted him again but he didn't reply.

Elsa : Jack, What are you doing?

My eyes darted at the clock and back at my teacher. My fingers type down onto the keyboard.

Elsa : Don't even think about it.

For some reason, I could feel his footsteps and my heart beat go in sync, getting closer every second that passes.

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