Chapter 3 - Unsafe and Sound

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Elsa POV

After a tense dinner, It was up in my room, listening on Pandora and 'Jar of Hearts' by Christina Perri was playing. It really sets the mood of the way my fate is turning too, or Anna's. I started reading the book I borrowed earlier, to take my mind off the fact that my sister is in the clutches of that Frostidiot. The novel is about a game that the main characters play. The rules are try not falling for the other gender and what not, it was pretty cheesy to me. Brandy, the player, was always pulling off overused pick-up lines and his personality was so flat that a cactus probably be more entertaining that him. Katy, the wanna play the player decides to, 'play the player'. But, by the time she was so close to winning this stupid game, she backs out because the power of her love was too strong—yadda yadda yadda—and they'll probably end up together and have 42,663 babies, or whatever. The end.

I heard a faded noise of my phone beeping underneath my pillow. I closed my book and checked my phone to see I've gotten a text from Mavis.

To : Elsa

From : Mavis

I need to tell you something... Your not going to like it :(


To : Mavis

From : Elsa



To : Elsa

From : Mavis

Jack Frost is dating Anna.


I sighed a bit ticked off because I was reminded about that again. I tapped on the screen to text her back.


To : Mavis

From : Elsa

Yeah, I've heard...


To : Elsa

From : Mavis

Wow, today's not your day :/


No, no it wasn't. First, the bus. Second, detention. Third, my sister dating a player. I was convinced that the universe was out to get me.


To : Mavis

From : Elsa

Well, it could be worse

Not in the mood to talk about it, need the sleep anyway. G'night.


Making up my mind, I tossed my phone on to my bed and got off my sheets, and headed to Anna's room. I knocked on her door. "Yesss? " a faint voice from the other side said.

"Anna, could I please talk to you? Now." I fidgeted with my thumbs that were secure close to my chest and gulped something dry down my throat like swallowing cotton.

The door flew open, "Hi Els, what's up?" That smile when she got home was permanently on her face. Was is because of her new boyfriend? Or was it probably because she's usually the one who's knocking at my door to talk to me.

"It's about Jack" I admitted, "You shouldn't be with him." I tried my best to keep a strong gaze lock onto her, watching as her smile disappeared and once bright eyes widen in shock.

Melting Jack Frost's Heart | Jelsa Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora