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"Camion, are you ready?" Father tells to his child

"Yes Daddy" he replies, suck up.

"Move!" Father snaps at me "get back to work" he adds

"Stupid servants" Camion mutters shoving past me

"Too bad that I'm not a servant" I say, flipping my hair

"Yes you are who else would you be" Camion answers rudely

"Your sister" I tell him and he laughs his cruel laugh

"As if I would have a sister one that's against tradition and two your ugly" he laughs like he's told a joke

And walks away

They are going to pay for his they treat me bad girls across the nation

One day I will have my revenge on stupid, useless, cruel boys. Especially my brother and father

It won't be much longer

They say you get your powers and change into your hidden sled on your fifteenth birthday

I'm turning fifteen tomorrow

"Oi! My room needs cleaning! I want it down when by the time I get back!" Father shouts at me before opening and closing the door loudly

As if I'm doing his dirty work

I wonder what time I was born exactly

I guess I should do something pro-active for once

How about a trip to the village

Let's see how their surviving under the cruel reign of my father

It's horrible down here most of the population is living in the streets

I have to do something

Everyone is starving and working their buts off, before we know it a plague could start and then where would we be?

We'd be the kingdom who let their people die because the King is a stupid heartless cruel person who only cares about himself

I know what I have to do

But it will take careful planning.

I do it at midnight. I just hope no one notices anything. Not that they would, I'm the invisible girl, only noticed when they need something done

That reminds me u haven't done his bedroom. He can't be that lazy, can he?

When I get inside he's waiting for me

"What did I tell you to do?" He shouts angrily and Camion snickers behind him

"Nothing you shouted at no one to do something" I reply

"I told you to clean my room and what did you do? You did nothing" he shouted

"I'm not your servant and by the way your people are dying" I shout back and storm away

"Get back here girl!" He screams after me

"I have a name!" I yell back

"Crimson Ebony Guida! Get back here!" He screams but I ignore him

He actually knows my name? That's a surprise

At exactly one minute to midnight

I am sneaking out the kitchen back door trying not to be heard

With three big and heavy bags of food

It is a long else but it will be worth it

I hear the clock strikes midnight and I drop the bags in pain.

I feel something grow on my back

I double over and then it stops as the moon comes out from the clouds

I walk over to the river right under the moon, where I'll be able to see my reflection. I grin as I see it

On my back is a set of pitch black wings

I'm the angel of darkness

And I couldn't be happier

Time to plot my revenge

I dropped the three bags in the middle of the town with a note

Share there is enough for all of you

And I open my wings and propel into the air

And fly back the place I'm meant to call home.

This is going to be fun

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