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I look down and pull the spear out, letting it drop to the floor, I look up again to see Camion smirking in victory

"I can't believe you, this is why you'll never be king" I tell him, dropping to my knees, I put a hand on my stomach, trying to stop the bleeding

"Oh really? It's not like you can do anything to change that now" he says and starts laughing but then his laughter turns to choking and blood drips out of his mouth and he collapses to the ground. Dead. He sure didn't used that coming. Behind Evelyn stands with a bloody sword

She runs over and kneels beside me, tears clear in her eyes, everything starts going dizzy, I'm losing to much blood. It hurts so much

"Evelyn...promise me" I gaps out

"Promise what?" She asks me shaking me

"Promise me that when this is all over that you will become queen, it was always meant to be you, promise" I say

"I promise, I won't let you down" she says crying

"Thank you, you were always the one who was rant to inherit the throne, I've known it since I met you. It was never meant to be me. Also look after the others" I say and I see her nod before everything goes black

Evelyn's POV
I stab Camion in the back and his laughter turns to choking, I pull my sword out and watch him fall to the ground, dead.

I run over to Crimson, kneeling beside her, I realise that it is too late, she looks really dizzy and out of it, she looks like she's in so much pain

"Evelyn...promise me" she gasps, promise her what?

"Promise what?" I ask her, I see her eyes close so I start shaking her to keep her awake

"Promise me that when this is all over that you will become queen, it was always meant to be you, promise" she says, she wants me to be the queen? Why? What does she mean it was always meant to be me?

"I promise, I won't let you down" I say, starting to cry, this can't be happening, she can't do this

"Thank you, you were always the one who was rant to inherit the throne, I've known it since I met you. It was never meant to be me. Also look after the others" she tells me and I cry harder, nodding and then her eyes close and she slumps, her body goes and I scream for her to wake up and she stops breathing

"Wake up! Please wake up Crimson" I cry, attracting attention, we've nearly won this

"Evelyn what's going on Alyssa asks running up to me

"She's dead, Crimson's dead!" I tell her and she falls to her knees tears streaming down her face

"No she can't be" Alyssa mutters shocked

"We have to finish this" I say getting up, my grief turns to anger

"Let's do this" Alyssa whispers, also mad

Soon it is over, soon we are the only ones left standing, Harper, Blaire and Britta walk over to us

"What happens now?" Blaire asks, her voice fall of pain, she has lost her sister when she only just got her back

"We do what Crimson would have done" I reply

"So who becomes queen? Blaire?" Britta asks

"No I do, it's what Crimson wanted" I reply and they nod they don't argue, though Blaire seeks to resent that Crimson chose me instead of her but she doesn't say anything

"It's finally over, we've won" Harper says sadly

Why doesn't it feel like we've won? We should be happy but instead we can't even smile or enjoy the moment, we are dreading the future

"I guess it's time that we go our separate ways, we all have future somewhere else, Britta is the last goddess. Evelyn is to become queen, Blaire is in love. Harper is... A wise fighter. And I want to explore" Alyssa speaks up

"Yeah this is goodbye, who's Blaire in love with?" I ask

"Peter Pot" Alyssa replies

"As in Peter pan's brother who doesn't have the same last name for no apparent reason?" I ask laughing

"Yep" she confirms

"Shut up" Blaire says

"A wise fighter? Is that really all you could come up with?" Harper asks hurt

"Yeah well your difficult" Alyssa says apologetically

"You can stay here with me and be the head of the guards or something" I say and she smiles at me

"So this really is goodbye" Britta says smiling

"Yeah bye!" I yell and run off and Harper follows after me after saying her goodbyes

I walk into town to announce it to everybody

A man walks up to me

"What do you think your doing?" He asks me, I remember this guy, I'm pretty sure I hit him with a frying pan

"I have an announcement" I reply

"You are a girl, you belong in the kitchens doing the dishes, not doing what the king is meant to do" he tells me

"Oh haven't you heard, there's been a take over, I'm not the queen, the king and price are both dead" I tell him and he laughs, not believing me

"Come on, we will see about that" he says grabbing my arm

"Whether you like it or not I'm in charge now and things are going to change around here" I spit at him and he stumbles back in shock and it's my turn to start laughing

"What's so funny?" Another man asks

"She says that she's the queen" the first man splutters

"She's lying, she's a girl and they are useless, only good at being slaves" the new guy says confidently

"You are wrong in many ways girls are better, and I am the queen so I can make you suffer more than you can ever think of" I snap at him and he faulted for a second

"As if" he snorts disbelievingly

"You want proof here it is" I say

"Harper, throw him to the snakes" I tell her as she appears from behind the tree and she grabs him roughly and starts dragging him away

"What about you do you want the same fate?" I ask the remaining man

"No I'm sorry your highness please forgive me" he says and runs off  

Many there scatter in fear like they should, this is going to be fun

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