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Where is Blaire? If she went for a walk, even if it was a long one, she should be back by now

"Pacing up and down continuously won't bring her back any faster" Evelyn says sleepily from her spot on the roof

"I know that but at least I'm trying to work out where she is" I snap and twin cold empty laugh echoes around us

I expect to be either Alyssa or Evelyn or Harper but I realise that it is coming from Rosie, the sweet, shy, quiet, non-evil, normal Rosie

"What?" Everyone asks her

"Nothing" she says covering her mouth

Me and Evelyn share a look before shrugging and going back to whatever we were doing

"Seriously Crimson, paving isn't doing anything but making you more stressed" Evelyn says and I roll my eyes

"Evelyn don't you have something elsewhere to be?" I ask her and she giggles, and lays back down on the thingy that runs across the roof

"Do you think she's alright?" Alyssa asks

"Who?" I ask

"Blaire of course" Harper chimes in

"Oh sure, she's probably perfectly fine" I reply, trying to convince myself that that's true

"You sure about that" Evelyn questions, And I look at her and she smiles at me innocently

Blaire's POV
"What are you doing here?" I ask Peter and he smiles his bright smile at me

"I live around here, I thought you knew that" he replies, oh yeah, oops now I look like an idiot

"I forgot" I say and he laughs quietly for a moment

"Come on, it's getting dark, and cold" he says motioning for me to following him so I do

He takes me back to his hut in the tree

"This is nice" I comment and he nods and disappears again

"Chocolate!" I yell randomly

I wait and I wait and finally he turns up again carrying a packet of chocolates

"Here" he says and disappears once again for a second this time before reappearing and sitting next to me

"What were you doing out there?" He asks

"Now Peter, don't put know curiosity killed the cat" I joke and he rolls his eyes

Crimson's POV
Maybe she's somewhere in the woods

I'll check now, I run out into the darkness

"Crimson! Where are you going?" Evelyn asks me and I can hear someone running after me but whoever it was they turn back after a while

I see a light in the distance and vaguely recognise it as Peter's place

I head there and through the small window I see Blaire and Peter laughing like old friends, maybe do thing more, I slowly turn around head back thoughts spinning around in my head

Blaire has probably been there the whole time and didn't bother to tell us

Oh well as long as she's happy, so am I, I guess

No one says anything as I return, they seem to sense that I'm in no mood to talk, Evelyn looks question lunar me but I ignore her

When I look at her next, she's lost in thought, oh great, she's planning something 

Blaire POV
I thought that I saw Crimson standing outside but she's gone now if she was even there in the first place, I might just be losing my mind

"So do you like anybody?" I ask and he blushes, so he does like somebody

"Who, tell me who she is" I demand and he doesn't say anything for a while

"Crimson" he whisper, barely audible

I could use this as blackmail

"You'd better get back" he tesla me after a while of silence

"Yeah, thanks, bye" I say and leave

When I get back to the warehouse, it feels strange, Alyssa, Harper, and Rosie are lying on the ground pretending I be asleep, the air is tense

Evelyn is hanging of a beam on the ceiling trying to look serious

And Crimson is leaning against a wall not even glancing in my direction

"What happened to you?" Evelyn asks breaking the silence

"Got chased by some bits and then ran into Peter" I reply simply

"Okay" Evelyn says and falls off the beam while she was trying to get down

Crimson lets out a short burst of laughter

"Ow! Does nobody care that I could have died?" Evelyn exclaims

"No you would not have died, you still have to cause chaos yet" Harper replies

Silence ensues

I sigh and finding a place to sit behind a broken machine where no one can see me

Things are not as tense anymore but I get the feeling that Crimson is angry with me

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