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Song of today: darkside by Kelly Clarkson

"I'm hungry! Please feed me!" I beg Britta and she just shakes her head

"Just feed her already, this is getting annoying" a familiar voice from the entrance yells and we all whip around to see Alyssa leaning in the frame

Evelyn runs up and hugs her, making her topple over, while Britta is distracts I snatch we good and run for my life

"Crimson Ebony Guida! Give me my food right this minute!" Britta screeches after me, I quickly gobble it all down while everyone is laughing at Britta's angry face and me looking petrified

"Anyway, I brought some people too meet you, two of them invited themselves" Alyssa says

"Who are they?" I ask

"This Rosie my twin sister" Alyssa says pointing to the girl on her left

"This is Blaire" she then says pointing to the girl on the right, Blaire like my sister I don't even remember

I look at her and familiar eyes look back, we both look at each other for a while our heads tilted a bit

"You two look exactly alike" Evelyn exclaimed making everyone jump

"You do" Britta agrees

"I had a twin sister called Blaire but she died when we were one" I say

"What was her full name?" Blaire asks for some reason I look at her for a while

"Blaire Aldummim Guida" I reply and she bites her lip

"That's my name" she whispers and my eyes go wide in shock, so my twin is alive after all or is she someone that was given the same that happened to be born the same year us me?

"Does that mean you two are..." Alyssa trails off "oh yeah, Harper and Sacha are here too" she finishes, well adds put that with the sentence and it doesn't make sense

"Oh great what do they want?" I ask irritated

"They want to help" Sacha and Harper responds and there are multiple groans

"Fine but one wrong move and they are dead" I state and they both gulp

"Alright who wants to come with me to the lake?" I ask

"I'll come" Evelyn and Blaire say at the same time

"Alright let's go" I say and we head down to the lake, in a weird silence

Suddenly we all start laughing for no reason at all

"What do we do now?" Evelyn asks

"Race each other over the lake, I want to see what's on the other side" I say

"I swim, you fly, how's Blaire going to get across?" Evelyn asks me and Blaire grins and shows her wings, they are blood coloured

"Well that's sorted" Evelyn says

"Ready set go!" I shout and we start

Evelyn came second because she cheated by knocking us out of the air and into the water

I came third by using Blaire as a lift pad

Blaire came last for obvious reasons

And Britta became first because she was already there, I find that kinda creepy but oh well

"What? I'm smarter than all of you combined" Britta states, of course she is

"Lets explore, Britta go left, Evelyn right, Blaire forward" I command and they all go the ways and I climb a tree to see what I can observe

I skip from tree to tree, not seeing anything and then I feel someone watching me

I spin around to see who it is but he or she has moved

Finally I lay eyes on a guy and Evelyn hugging, boyfriend?

Strange well he's obviously not the one watching me

So I turn again look up, there's a boy above me, with a dirty face, most of it looks like blood

When he sees that I've seen him, he disappears into the forest

So I follow him

The prettiest angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें