The new years eve party-Evelyn & Harper

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"Has everything been sorted?" I ask Harper

"Yes, everything is set for tomorrow night, my queen" she replies

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" I ask her and she smiles at me

"Sorry Evelyn, everyone else does" she snickers 

"I can have you executed" I remind her and she falls quiet

"Who's that?" I ask her pointing at a girl I had never seen before and I know everybody

"Don't know, maybe she's new" Harper replies shrugging

"She looks like a posh queen bee" she adds

She does, every girl around her is listening intently to every word that comes out of her mouth and every so often she would flip her hair and make a wavy motion. With her hand and one of her followers would run off somewhere and return with something, whether it was a drink or food. She would give people who came time at to her these looks that that would be covered up with a smile that's obviously fake

At one point she moved away from her group holding a drink sticky looking pudding and a drink, she was heading over to this girl sitting alone on a bench, reading.

Without any warning or reason the girl tips the food on her and everyone laughs, cruelly

I recognise her now, her name is Delilah and once she was the nicest girl around even though she was popular but the one day something happened and she lost all that and people started bullying her but she rose to popularity again and now she is a bully.

I shake my head and continue walking

"So everything is ready? The invitations have been sent?" I ask just to make sure

"Yes they have been. The menu has been sent in, the decorations have been ordered and will be put up tomorrow. The room has been cleaned and polished and cleared. The fireworks have been ordered and arrived this morning. The entertainment is set and the outside area has been prepared" she says with a roll of her yes

"I was just naming sure" I say

"You worry to much Evelyn, just relax, it will be perfect" Harper tells me

"It better be" I reply and she waves goodbye before leaving to train her new guards

"Alone was more" I sigh

"Hey you!" Someone shouts, Delilah.

"Yes" I say turning around to face her, this is going to be good.

"Get me a drink of strawberry lemonade" she orders

"No get it yourself" I reply

"What?" She asks shocked

"Don't you know who I am?" She asks me her shock turning into rage

"Yeah I do, but do you know who I am?" I reply

"So why aren't you getting me my drink? And who cares who you are, your nobody important anyway" she snaps

"So I'm guessing you want to go to that news years eve party that the queen is holding" I say smiling

"Yeah? How do you know about that? You would never be invited" she replies flicking her hair

"We'll consider yourself uninvited. Come near the place that night and you'll end up in jail" I tell her

"You can't do that!" She shrieks

"Oh yes I can, it's my party after all" I reply and her eyes widen in shock but then she narrows them

"No your not" she hisses at me

"Yeah Delilah I am. Now get lost" I snap at her before walking away

"What did you do this time?" Britta asks me coming out of nowhere

"Got revenge" I reply simply

"Of course you did" she says laughing

"So where's Harper on this fine day?" She then asks me

"Training her new guards or something" I reply

"Oh that's too bad, I wanted to see her" she sighs disappointedly

"What about me?" I ask her and she gives me a pointed stare

"Why would I want to see you? You still have my kitten by the way" she says

"And I'm keeping him" I tell her

"Why are you so mean to me?" I add

"It's more fun then being nice" she says

"So I hear your having a party that I wasn't invited to" Britta says crossing her arms

"Well I didn't think that you would want to go" I say, it's so hard to tell with her

"But you still send the invitation even if you don't think they'll come" she tells me

"Fine you can come, I'll have an invitation sent over to your place wherever you live" I say to her

"I don't want to go so don't bother" she tells

"The last time I didn't bother you got mad at me" I say waving my hands in the air like a mad person

"Hey Britta, when did you get here?" Harper asks her

"Just now and now it's time to go, bye" Britta relies and disappears again

"So now what do we do?" Harper asks

"We do whatever we want unless you really want to discuss the party again" I reply

"You want to go over what's happening with the party, don't you?" She says giving me a pleading look, she doesn't want to do that but who actually cares about what she wants?

"Yep!" I say happily

"Please no" she groans

"So what time does it officially start  and how many people are going to be there?" I ask her and she glares at me, I think she's going to kill me

"Seven o'clock and we sent the invitations out to about two hundred people but not everyone will come. Now we are going to have some fun" she tells me and drags me to the lake

"Hey!" I shout after coming up to the surface after Harper pushed me in

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