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A chocolate clown. That's what we see, he or she is laughing its head off

"Do you think it is eatable?" Evelyn whispers to me

"Want to find out?" I whisper back and she nods before running up to it and picking up its finger and taking a bite

Yes the chocolate clown is eatable

She continues to eat it, how is she doing that, I would stop at a hand, and save the rest for later

The clown is howling

"Stop it you brat! You murderer" he shouts, well it could be a she with a really deep voice

She decides to eat his/her mouth next

But she spits it back out

"Eww! White chocolate!" She yells wiping her tongue to get the taste of it

"That's a crime to chocolate!" Harper yells from...the glass cage, why is she in it, I mean seriously, it's like her and Alyssa have an obsession with it

I probably should stop Evelyn before she has way too much he chocolate and goes crazy, she's already crazy enough

After a while the clown falls to the ground and falls apart

"I know what we can do!" Evelyn yells running up to us

"What?" I ask her and she smiles brighter then the sun if that's even possible

"We can creat a chocolate man, like the clown, and then send it to a town, and we can poison it or put a bomb in it and when they eat bad stuff happens, like they die" Evelyn she says

"That's actually a good idea" Britta says and Evelyn starts smiling bigger and bigger

"But what type of person?" I ask

"Teletubbies!" Harper yells from the glass cage, why is she in there again?

"What colour?" Alyssa asks

"Red" I say

"Blue" Britta decides

"Yellow!" Evelyn declares

"How about all three" Harper suggests

"Okay and then we can attack three towns at once" Evelyn agrees

"Let's do this" Britta says and we start preparing for it

This might take a while

Finally we are done, I am in control of Red Tele-tubby, Evelyn yellow and Britta blue, Alyssa is helping all of us and Harper cant get out of the glass cage

"What do we do about Rosie?" Evelyn asks, oh I forgot about her

"Bury her I guess" I reply and so Alyssa goes to do that, she doesn't come back for ages, so must have done something special for Rosie, which is good

We are all going to miss Rosie but there's we can do now just accept that she's gone

"Plan Teletubbies is a go" Alyssa announces, and we give ours directions to the town we have selected

And we wait

"How long will it take them to get there?" Evelyn asks

" a couple of hours" Britta replies and everyone groans

"We should have made them cars" I say

"Now you think of it?" Evelyn says annoyed


"I'm hungry" Harper complains

"Me too" I agree

"Me three" Alyssa says

"Me four" Evelyn says and we all look at Britta

"Do it yourself" she tells us

"Do what ourselves?" Blaire asks reappearing, where did she go?

I didn't actually notice her leave

"Where have you been?" I ask her

"Looking for berries in the forest" she replies, putting down a basket of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries

"Yay! Food!" Evelyn yells running over to the basket

"Evelyn you just ate a chocolate clown, you don't need more food" Britta points out

"They're nearly at their destination" Harper informs us

"What's going on?" Blaire asks

"Come here" Harper tells her

"Ok" Blaire complies

Harper explains what's going on

And we are in

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