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I sit there fiddling with my hands when I hear heavy footsteps and the sound of someone being dragged. I sit up straighter, trying to work out where they are heading, I soon realise that they are coming this way

As they come closer to the entrance to my cell I duck my head to make it look like asleep. I hear a key turn and a clicking sound. Ten there's a thud and the door closes once more and the heavy footsteps walking away

I wait a couple of minutes before lifting my head, to my surprise I see Alyssa lying there

We have to escape, and it looks like we have to do it fast, the clocks ticking and I can't rely on the others getting here in time

"Alyssa" I hiss trying not to alert the guards, even though they aren't even in sight

"Yes?" She whispers, sounding tired

"Can you undo the chains?" I ask and she nods lifting herself up, she looks really tired and she's very thin, when did she last eat? Or maybe it's just natural

"This might take a while" she informs me

"Aren't you the one with super speed?" I question

"Yeah but it doesn't always help things" she tells me, fiddling with the lock

"I can't work out how to undo this" she says biting her lip

"Oi! What do you think your doing missy?!" One of the guards barks at her making us both jump, apparently they decided to check on us

The other opens the door and steps inside holding chains and goes towards Alyssa

"Forgot to chain you, don't want to get into trouble with the boss" he says and chains Alyssa to the wall next to me and then they both disappear again

"Well this is great" I say and she smiles weakly at me

"Aren't you meant to be the dark angel? Why can't you just magic yourself out of this?" She asks under her breath, probably because there is movement nearby

"Actually I'm not, my brother is, and I think he must have a cast a spell on these chains because I've tried everything and it won't work" I reply

"Dark Angels are the most powerful magical creatures, meaning they have the most power, making dangerous hence their name and reputation" I add

"Wow, so if he casts a spell you can't overrule it?" She asks

"It's pretty much impossible" I reply

"That sucks" she says disappointed

"Well there is a way but it's very hard to do and if you do it wrong than bad things happen" I say

"Like what?" she asks me sounding curious

"Like you die or live in pain for the rest of your life or your paralysed and then die or you could get stuck in a dark bottomless pit and get tortured for the rest of your life" I reply and she grimaces

"Well that's fun but it's our only hope and I know you can do it" she says encouragingly

"It will take sometime so you'll have to keep the guards attention of me" I tell and she nods and I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, this better work

"Okay let's do this" I say trying to sound confident just as I'm about to start the ritual there is a banging noise and heaving footsteps coming towards us

"Unlock this door immediately!" My brothers voice demands

"Great company we going to have" I mutter to Alyssa and she slaps me to shush me so we don't get into trouble

"Okay one of you will tell me what I want to know and I don't care how I get it but I will get it" he snaps at us, seriously, what does he need to know now?

"You can go first" he says pointing to Alyssa, two new guards undo the section of the chains that connects to the wall and drag her out of the cell and to somewhere else where she'll probably be interrogated and if she doesn't oblige to their commands she'll be tortured as well most likely

Better this quick then, don't need her injured, minor or anything

"floroj kreskas , veneno desvanece kaj lumo venkas la mallumon" I chant three times over beginning the ritual spell thing  I'm not actually sure what it's called

I can hear screams from further down the corridor making my heart lurch, I have to hurry

Britta's POV
"Are you are this is the quickest way? Because it seems very slow" Evelyn says starting to get annoying

"It may not to be the quickest but it is the safest way to get to the castle without being caught" I tell her

"Why can't we just risk it? Alyssa and Crimson might be in serious trouble already and we need to be there to help them escape" she argues

"What good will we be if we get caught too?" I ask her starting to get frustrated when I get confused about where I am because she is starting to get a bit distracting

"We won't be any good if we don't make it there in time" Evelyn points out sound just as annoyed

"Then walk faster" I tell her ending this conversation, we continue in silence, though I can hear her muttering under her breath but I can't tell what she is saying

Finally the castle comes into view

"We are nearly there, hurry" I tell her and we starT half running half walking becoming very alert incase a guard or someone from the other side pops up out of nowhere or is on post nearby but I highly doubt it, we are heading towards the servant's entry

I think I can hear someone screaming but I might be imagining it

sorry for not updating in ages but now that all work is over I will have more time to update hopefully.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter
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